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501st Legion (RET)
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About Ditch

  • Birthday 06/16/1972

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  1. Approval accomplished, looking forward to meeting a bunch of you at Celebration in Orlando.
  2. Again, I will refer you to the 501st Legions CRL on Biker Scouts. That info is not in it http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_Scout_trooper
  3. It's not stated in the CRL Belt and Detonator For 501st approval: Gloss white, semi-gloss or lightly weathered. The front and two "boxes" of the belt are made of plastic. The remainder of the belt that fastens at the back of the waist, is made from a textile material (webbing). Hanging from the sides of the belt are hip boxes (drop boxes). Drop boxes are also made from plastic. Drop boxes are connected to the belt via white textile straps. If using off-white Cummerbund pouches and side straps, the drop box straps are also off-white. [*]Attached to the The back of the belt is a rectangular thermal detonator box with short grey corrugated hose. [*]The correct thermal detonator greeblies are attached to the box. The rectangular part of the thermal detonator greeblie, fixed on the left side of the detonator, is the same as used in the rebel Endor trooper rank badge. On the right hand side is the same round greeblie as used on the Scout tank topper. See the detonator detail page for a close up image of the greeblies. For level two certification (if applicable): Belt ideally should be made from a one-piece construction with no visible gaps, and not separated with fabric in between sections, apart from at the back where the TD box sits. Making any joins in a 3 part belt seamless, is highly recommended. Drop boxes hang at the correct distance from the belt. Thermal Detonator end caps to be concave and not flat. Thermal Detonator must have visible black clips attaching it to the web belt, as seen in the film. Optional:- Thermal Detonator tube to be wire wrapped and not ribbed tube.
  4. Yup, 100% correct on the greeblie, just removed it and re-glued it. Pouches can be moved due to the velcro on the chest plate and the bund can be pulled up some in the next round of pics. Thanks for the input guys
  5. Good evening all, Finished my TB finally and have submitted my pics. Here they are...
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