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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by ThatThingOnTheFloor

  1. That was corrected just this evening as a matter of fact! I just have a couple of more bits to finish up,now that my boots have arrived, and I'll be posting pics within the next day or two before I submit to my GML. Thanks for your input, Kath!
  2. So, I'm just gonna link the whole album from PensaCon here, as there's a bunch with me in the Scout and Batman. I MADE SURE that the official photographers who grabbed me in the incomplete TB knew ABSOLUTELY UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE NOT to tag the 501st in wherever they upload to, since I was not there representing them.. Though Parjai's hospitality was, as always, awesome and their input and forgiveness for my last-minute emergency boots from Lowes was GREATLY appreciated. If any Parjai folk see the shots I took with them, please get them to Florida Garrison's gallery if you'd like! Link to album: http://s1241.photobucket.com/user/MandalorianHonour/library/PensaCon2014
  3. I also do Batman, may or may not have mentioned that. Cowl is form-fitting vinyl, which doesn't breathe one single bit. I've actually passed out in the suit before, once in a spring/summer convention. It's pretty brutal, considering one convention around last Halloween, I drank 4 liters of water in the span of 4 1/2 hours and didn't pee. Hint number one that a heat stroke is imminent, or perhaps kidney stones. (I'd rather have a heat stroke. 'Stones ain't no fun 'less you got dilloted or morphine). Here in the Devil's Butthole (~ an hour from the coast in Alabama), I've had more than a couple of heat strokes and can't risk another. There's always a heat index of 110, and 3000% humidity. I put the fan in as a precautionary measure, since I know too well what the consequences will be. I know you were joking, and I'm not trying to be a "Debbie Downer," just dishing out my reasoning for installing a fan. Also, that's a SWEET mic/amp set. I have an SC bucket, and I use ~60 or 80mm computer case fan. Hit up Newegg, make some measurements, and be VERY CAREFUL when you wire all of that up. Seriously, make sure your fan is low-amp draw, or else it'll make the 9V rupture (which means you'd require a 12v battery instead), but if you're 120mm or under, rule of thumb is that a 9v is fine. I could explain Wattage, Power, Amps, Volts, Ohms and power draw, but I'm not the best teacher. Because I work as a metrologist, (not a weatherman, I told my drill instructor I didn't want to be a weatherman), I tend to assume everyone knows what I'm talking about...since everyone I DO talk with that about DOES know what I'm saying.. Drives my wife nuts when I look at her like she's stupid when she gives me the puzzled look after I talk about Torque and Pressure transducers, and how 2000 lbsft isn't anything to f*%@ around with...
  4. I own an SC bucket, and Enigma's correct in saying the quality transfers over. The only downfall is that SC doesn't have complete instructions for assembly, but is VERY helpful if you need it. It's a solid bucket, ABS just like the armor, and my pull didn't have any defects, but there's a good deal of modding to do to get it approved. Nothing complex, but I'm a craftsman/hobbyist, so my definition of complex is likely different from yours. I did my helmet completely in a couple of days, and spent more time watching glue dry than assembling, granted I'm not approved yet, (I haven't even submitted since I'm waiting on boots and such). The decals SC provides with the bucket are pretty good, too. I'd recommend getting a set from TrooperBay, ultimately, but SC's aren't bad. I'm PROBABLY biased, because SC helped me out ALOOOOOOT along the way. Their service, reliability, communication, etc. can't be beat in my opinion.
  5. My gloves have zippered pouches on them, great for keeping cash, ID, cards, etc in. My undersuit has pant-pockets on it, which I couldn't remove and subsequently used to stash my voice amp, that will hold keys, and my phone. Once I finish the boxes for my bund pouches (and I will offer them to folks in my Garrison until I come up with a jig and whatnot to offer them up here), that should reduce unrealistic sag and allow scouts to store things in without drawbacks.
  6. I have a palm sander!
  7. I've got a ton of scrap plastic, and some templates made. I just gotta union 'em. I'd be glad to make you a set, too once I perfect the art, as it were.
  8. I've been really bad about not uploading progress pics, but I guess it's better late than never. Part of the problem was the fact that my only camera (up until a week or so ago) was my iPhone, and.. well, it's not a BAD camera, it's just not a camera, you know? Anyway, this is everything I have done so far. I'm missing boots,boxes for my pouches, blasters, vest, and butt-flap. Boots and blasters are on the way, vest I'll tackle in a couple of weeks when my funds recover, and the buttflap and boxes next week..once my fingers recover from all the horrors I've wrought on them. Yes, I'm aware that my skullface print is showing from under my bucket, but that's just because I had the face part pulled down for comfort while test-fitting.
  9. I'm installing an old computer fan I have leftover, rigged to a toggle switch and a 9v battery to keep me cool for those summer and spring troops. It has blue LEDs that might shine a bit through the visor to give the illusion that my helmet is powered, per EU knowledge of Imperial Troops helmets having HUDs and a microcomputer for mission sensitive data, cross-comms and etc for more effective squad functionality. I've also thought about putting a camel-bak hydration pack in the tank, and hiding the tube inside the armor and running it up my balaclava and into my helmet, but I'm not sure I'll get THAT hot. Other than that, I haven't thought of adding any extra gadgets, particularly ones that would be seen. Granted, I'm also planning on trooping with the BF2 Sniper Rifle (E-11s or DC-15x depending on who you ask), so having a "HUD" illusion would go well with being a "Scout Sniper" and having the HUD sync with the scope reticle, rangefinder, etc for ease of work. But mostly, from experience trooping as Batman, I just don't want to die of heat stroke at a Con or something. I do rock a microphone/amp so I don't have to yell through my helmet, and as for the "spoons" near the ears, I cut holes out and backed the black decals with screen-door mesh so my hearing isn't quite as impaired as it could be. Which, as Batman, I have no peripheral, nor can I hear a damn thing since the cowl is made of form-fitting vinyl. It doesn't breathe at all, and really makes me appreciate how easy the Scout is to wear in comparison. The Batsuit also makes me appreciate more simple things like being able to go to the bathroom whenever I want, bending over, walking in general.. you know. All the little things most of us take for granted.
  10. The V is a Schecter Hellraiser Diamond series V. I've got a G&L Rampage, a '72 Reissue Mexican Strat, a Jazz Bass, and a 12-string acoustic sitting back there. What isn't there is my '68 Reissue LP (Currently in my workshop getting repaired). Behind the guit-boxes is, in fact, a didgeridoo. The guitars get run through a Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 100 half/full stack, and a minimal pedal board, classic Dunlop Wah, a Chorus pedal, and the Zakk Wylde distortion pedal (Because sometimes the Marshall just doesn't get distorted enough )
  11. Hence: Ace the Batdog.
  12. Lookin' good, bro!
  13. My wonderful wife bought me this for my birthday a couple weeks ago. It's a Kobalt rolling tool chest from Lowe's... I didn't ask how much. But it has an extending handle and wheels so I can just roll it around. It's got nice spots on the inside of the lid to mount hanging knobs and stuff, and the latches will also support a lock. All I need now is some stickers and whatnot. Once I get my 501st Designation, I'll use sign vinyl to put that on the outside. And also meet Ace the Batdog.
  14. Avoid Cushman at ALL Costs. I sent a check for an MG42 replica MONTHS ago, and have e-mailed those jackals multiple times (politely of course) and have received no response. After I did some digging on the Better Business Bureau's website, they've had multiple claims filed against them for goods not received, etc etc. ALL of them are marked as "resolved" due to the business' lack of response. They only accept payment in the form of money order or check, might I add, which should have been my first clue. The check, of course, cleared immediately. Bastards.
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