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501st Pathfinder
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ThatThingOnTheFloor last won the day on May 27 2014

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About ThatThingOnTheFloor

  • Birthday 01/30/1989

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    Star Wars. Tabletop Gaming. Heavy Metal.

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    Rancor Raiders
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  1. Why don’t we do an in-memoriam patch run for Jim? He’s touched so many lives. Maybe we can get the patch maker to donate the proceeds to his family or a charity of their choice??
  2. I just saw this posted on Facebook in WTF’s page, and had to come here to find out if it was true. I tried contacting a friend in the Star Garrison to find out where to send flowers or something, but he seemed to think the memorial services and whatnot are all already done and past. Such is his family’s choice. I’ll never forget Jim helping me get in touch with Lewis over a blaster SNAFU. I thought I was just going to be robbed of a few hundred dollars until he brought me hope. You died too young Jim. Too many of us owe our very existence in the legion to you. I will see you in Valhalla, brother.
  3. No kidding, right? We had a 2nd LT in Afghan, liked to get us killed. He wasn't a bad guy, just inexperienced, and had a difficult time accepting input from our First Sergrant who'd been in country for ten months. Granted, we'd all been on deployment for nine/ten months at that point and received a shiny new LT to hold our jaded hands. But this is also why one places a 2nd LT in with a proven maneuver element. Good chance they'll learn to listen to their NCO's and turn into a good officer. The joke's always been: Who would you rather follow, a 2nd LT or Dora the Explorer? Dora, because she has deductive reasoning skills and will at least poll the audience. Now, not every 2nd LT is guilty of this, but they're largely subject to the same treatment as Privates who say things like "I learned this in BCT!"
  4. Not gonna lie, there's been times I wished I had some soft cover for taking breaks from the backdrop or switching over to the table. To me, it just looks kinda... off to see a trooper with no bucket, and soft cover on. But, it IS canon! Officers tend to get ignored pretty easily at events, large and small. Most of the time, they get asked to TAKE the picture instead of pose for it. To me, this would be the costume I wear AT conventions and such where there is a table to work. ESPECIALLY if we're short-staffed, could easily switch between the table and backdrop in a pinch. Also not gonna lie, it would certainly allow me to actually ride my motorcycle to troops without concern of "Boy I hope my belt or boot holster don't crack again, while all jammed up in my saddlebag..." Just roll that sucker up and ride on. Since blasters are optional for an Officer, I'll make a holster suitable for the Scout holdout, and carry it to less-formal troops. So, I know it's not the military, and that we're just playing dress up for a good cause... But it's a hard shift for me sometimes. In addition to having been in the Army, I currently work as a metrologist (calibration), and NEVER have to guess. Figure this is just my way of being absolutely thorough in making a secondary costume.
  5. We've seen Clones on screen with no buckets, and caps on with armor in the cartoon. Last season, in the officer/nco club on Coruscant. Technically an informal setting, but it's on screen nonetheless. Just saying. I agree, though. Know plenty of first sergeants who'd bust up any of their boys for wearing class A cover in battle dress. Kind of muddying the line a bit between real world knowledge/experience vs. screen accuracy a bit, but aren't I doing so with essentially creating a class a uniform? I am broken. Slightly back on topic though, what do you guys think of LT j.g. Vs Warrant Officer?
  6. Great info Retrofire, thanks for looking into that! I like the way you think concerning the stripes. I carry a scoped DLT-19 with my kit. I wonder if we'll ever dig in and unofficially decide what stripes mean what. Obviously no canonical evidence to back the claims, but would still be a nice detail. I've toyed with the notion of making a medic bag or a recon droid prop from time to time. Black will be the way to go for the uniform. Since the Trooper Corps could most reasonably be considered a department of the Navy, (and we have no known enlisted rank insignia to wear on a uniform) I would deduce Lieutenant Junior Grade would be the highest plausible rank a trooper in armor would attain. Nevermind the fact that we've got a known Captain (Rex) and Commander (Cody) in armor throughout the Clone Wars. They'd be in charge of an entire regiment, batallion, etc. Ensign or Warrant Officer are quite appealing, though. Judging by the descriptions on the WO CRL (and BJSavage's advice), I'd reason that would be the most plausible uniform to create. Will consult further on the IOC forums, now that we've got a pretty good direction. Thanks, guys! It's been a fun one so far!
  7. I can dig it. Do we have any information gauging what the rank stripes on our tanks correlate to?
  8. So, I don't really know where to post this. Please moderate accordingly. I'm looking at building an officer for my secondary costume. I've posted over on the IOC boards with this query, and now I'd like to see how folks around here feel about it. I'm clearly putting entirely too much thought into this. I'd like to make the officer costume match my TBID, like a "Class A" Uniform, if you will. We've seen Clones in TCW Cartoon don black hats in lieu of their buckets, and know there was an officer in Black on Endor, in the bunker. We saw one of few salutes in the films on Endor, after a Scout received orders from another armored Scout. I've always operated under the assumption that the olive drab uniform was for the Army (ala Veers), and black/gray for the Navy. My logic is such: the TK Corps would be akin to the Marine Corps(Thus "Dress Blacks/Grays); you wouldn't station a Scout aboard a Space Station or starship. (They're ground-pounders, thus Army. I'd liken them to Rangers (Hooah!) in my brain. Could also argue they're more akin to Marine Force Recon, thus dress black (which would be backed up by what we've seen on screen) I know I could pick whatever uniform suited my fancy, but I'd like to go deeper. Plus, this'll be fun to sort out! Which kind of brings me around to rank insignia, if any of you have knowledge there. We have rank stripes on our tanks, but does anyone know what those correspond to? I'd argue the most should be Lieutenant (but I really can't bring myself to don a set of butterbars), or possibly Captain. Would it make more sense to wear an Enlisted rank? So, if anyone's willing to, I'd like to sit down with the CRLs, and maybe sort out something that agrees with everything for an unofficial Class A uniform for scouts.
  9. You need hinge bolts. Also called elevator bolts. You'll need lock washers for the pair, as well as regular washers. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Prime-Line-Stainless-Steel-Screen-Door-Elevator-Bolts-B-774/203155827
  10. Hinge bolts won't work if they aren't installed properly. Are they actually hinge or carriage bolts? Do you have a lock washer on each?
  11. I just have one more thing to add here, and I hope this thread gets locked after I post this. I appreciate everyone's support here, I just feel like tempers flared a little too hard. I never meant for this to turn into a flame war. I came looking for hope, made a comment I shouldn't have made in the open when I originally only wanted to keep my advisers informed verbatim as to what was going on. Let it be known that not only was John Bush in the wrong, but I as well. How could Lewis know anything if John never told him? Lewis and I have had another e-mail exchange, and he has extended the offer of building me a blaster, and shipping it out to me. All of this is coming out of his pocket. I offered to pay him for his trouble, since he shouldn't have to pay for someone else's mistake, and he declined, instead urging me to pay it forward. Let that statement be testament enough. Don't avoid HyperFirm/SciFire, guys. Avoid dealing with John Bush if you're going to take any lesson to heart here. My mistake was going through SciFire's website, and not digging hard enough to see where other people had posted "deal only with SlaveFive". Jim has already said he's only ever dealt with Lewis. There's a thread on the MEPD boards urging people to only deal with Lewis. People in my Garrison have stated that they have only ever dealt with Lewis, and most have said they don't even know who John Bush is. Take that for what you will. Bottom line is, Lewis made this right when it wasn't his problem. Apparently, he's done it time and time again. Buy Hyperfirm. Buy from SlaveFive. I thank everyone for their help, guidance, and understanding. I also thank you for your forgiveness as my temper raged and caused my back to spasm so hard that I was quite literally stuck in my chair for two hours. I can only pay this gesture forward with the hope that Lewis doesn't suffer any ill-effects on the business or personal side from this debacle. Thank you BSN. Thank you, SlaveFive.
  12. First, let me apologize to Lewis. Man, I'm sorry. I know this isn't your fault. I really do appreciate all you're doing here, I do. Like it's already been stated, I'm just frustrated with John. And, it's all in how I've interpreted the response I've gotten. I'm doing it wrong. Some of the wording, just read to me as if I'm getting the runaround. Clearly, that isn't the case, and I want to apologize again if this thread seems as if I'm throwing you under the bus. Mistakenly, I used this thread to vent some of my frustration here. I did jump on you, and I was wrong to do so. Lewis, I'm sorry. I've no issue with you. At all. I dig that you're the artist. I'm not trying to knock you. But this is John's responsibility. He's representing your work, and so far all I've gotten is a big fat zilch. I'm sorry this situation had to come to your attention, Lewis, I really am. It's NOT your problem, and I appreciate you trying to reach out. I got a little hot-headed, I hope you understand. Thank you for giving me YOUR point of view here, something I was sorely missing. Without context, I cannot understand. I never intended for this thread to be a flame thread. I came here intending to get some advice on how I can proceed, hoping to hear some wisdom from experience. I came here for hope. There are just some things that don't add up in my mind, and maybe it's because I'm clouded. I will try to ask in a manner that doesn't come across as accusing and angry and scrupulous. There's too much emotion going around now, though... and... that isn't right. I CANNOT fault you, Lewis, for feeling the way you do. If John is selling your work, why aren't you two more connected than you are? I dig that you're the artist, and you don't deal in dollar signs, brother, believe me. I do appreciate you trying to reach out, but I guess my point is, and bear in mind I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but.. this dude's representing your hard work, and the initial replies I got from you via e-mail didn't read to me as if you were very concerned about that. I'm wrong, it's just how I read it. I really did feel like I was getting the runaround here, but again.. my interpretation. All I've gotten thus far is the runaround. My fault. I was LOOKING for failure, instead of seeing what I needed to see in your words. I apologize again. I'm sorry. So, here’s what I’m going to do. Ask that the staff lock this thread for any further replies, or delete it. We’re adults, though I’ve acted rashly and childishly, and I feel like this thread can only turn into a 12-year-old’s-bitchfest, regardless. After that, I’m just going to shut my hole about this whole situation and keep quietly hoping that John makes this right. I cannot, in good conscience, plead my case to Lewis any longer; I’ve done nothing but damage here. I’d like to apologize to the entire BSN for my behavior, here. It was unbecoming of a Pathfinder and 501st member to behave this way. I’m sorry, guys.
  13. I still feel like I'm getting the runaround.
  14. as i said before if john sold you something you really have to deal directly with him... he maintains the site and his contact info is by default...i have nothing to do with the site...and no he does not work for me or even vise versa... i can try and reach out to him but my contact with him has been limited too as of late... sorry you are dealing with this...i understand the frustration but i do not make it my business to see what he is doing or selling...if he sells something i would think he has it for sale...he probably just got busy with his normal work...happens from time to time Sent from my iPhone On Apr 10, 2014, at 10:48 AM, Karl Nelson <thatthingonthefloor@hotmail.com> wrote: Lewis, Sorry to bother you again, but I have a couple of questions I was hoping you could answer for me. I know you said you couldn't do anything from your end to help resolve my situation with John, but does John work for you, or for Sci-Fire? Secondly, it is John.c.bush@icloud.com, right? His was the only e-mail address listed on Sci-Fire's site under the "contact us" section. If you're the one who builds, lists, and sells, why am I contacting him by default? I dig that this isn't your problem, brother, but.. I got nowhere else to turn. I have now two e-mails he hasn't replied to, one of which is well over a week old. Previously he was quick to respond. Now that he has my money, he doesn't appear to be interested in communicating. Now, I'm not trying to accuse him of scamming me, but honestly that's what it feels like. I've been told you were the one to deal with when it comes to buying HyperFirm, and many I've spoken with haven't heard of John Bush, which made me want to revisit this with you. I've been told by friends over on the BSN that you're trustworthy, and honest. If I've been dealing with the correct John, is there any way you could try to contact him and help me resolve this? I would really like to solve this diplomatically, but if he won't respond to me, I can do nothing but file a PayPal complaint, or complain to the BBB and I really don't want to do that. I paid him under PayPal confirmation number 9A048004FB852121P My shipping information: Karl Nelson 119 Emogene Place Mobile, AL 36606 I appreciate your time brother. Take care.
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