Hello gang!
New to the forums and the group, but I wanted to post and show you my current project.
Recently at an event at the Discovery Center in Milwaukee, WI, I was approached by TB-7024 Zack W. who was interested
in my 3D printing rig that I was displaying and demoing. After some good chatter, he asked me if I had ever printed any prop
weapons... I showed him my version of the "Samaritan," Hellboy's pistol. He liked it pretty well and asked me to try something for him.
So I fired up my solidoodle 3 and started to printing.... working on his inquiry.... the DC-15a.
Here is a image of my printer:
And here is my attempt at the DC-15 up to this point....
This main barrel section was printed in 3 pieces and had been bonded together with Acetone.
It is strong and sturdy and LIGHT! It is also reinforced with 1 1/2 piece of PVC pipe.
More images to come as I complete more!
Observations? Critiques? Input?
Matt in Cheeseheadland