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501st Pathfinder
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revscout91 last won the day on July 9 2017

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45 Excellent

About revscout91

  • Birthday March 7

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    Warminster, PA
  • Interests
    Blasting Rebel Scum

501st Information

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    Chad Reverdito
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Carida
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  1. Hi Mickey and fellow Pathfinders: Well, that was short lived.. Mike Herron, co-partner from The Force Forum decided to resign over the fiasco that was taking place on Facebook regarding his company and other vendors he delt with.. nothing to do with us at Diamond State Props. Long story short, our contract with them is now null and void and we are searching out new options to see if DSP will continue is some way, shape or form.
  2. Cool, that would be the DLT-20a then? (the pulse canon I posted above?)
  3. I've been saying the scout CRL needs a rifle on it for years. We are the snipers... I have personally never seen anyone with a version with the MG-42 shroud. Most scouts I've seen have the DLT-19 with an added scope with a bipod. (I have this one) However the 19X that is now in Battlefront seems to becoming more popular with it's enlarged scope, removed bipod and less t-track. I've built a bunch of those for scouts already. Also, there is the DLT-20a or as Battlefront calls it, the Pulse Cannon. I've made about 5 of these for scouts and they all like this version better because it's more unique and lighter... me included. But I agree, we need to add at least 1 rifle, if not all 3 of these.
  5. I have an MLC bucket and absolutely love it!
  6. Thanks everyone for your reply. Yes the DLT-19 is an option, I was just looking for something a little smaller and compact. I read on this site that this gun was used in the Battlefront video game and was OK to use on troops. I've also seen a bunch of other TBs holding the in trooping photos. Thank you troopers!
  7. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get a DLT-20a, or a place to possibly get started. I'm not great at building things so I'd prefer to have it already done if possible. But I'll take whatever info I can get! Here's a photo link: http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111015161853/starwars/images/2/2d/Dlt20A.jpg Thanks in advance.
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