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501st Legion (RET)
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Quinxx44 last won the day on June 28 2015

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About Quinxx44

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    Music, Airsoft, Video games, Hiking,

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    New England Garrison
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  1. All the decals on my initial approval are the SC ones, definitely approvable!
  2. In regards to the flex, it may be time consuming and maybe not the best option, but in my experience in making costumes, particularly on flexible pieces like latex, I use a latex mask paint made by monstermakers.com and apply with an airbrush. It's designed to flex a bunch and not flake or chip. You can make it yourself, I just forget the ratio/recipe.
  3. I think he means he wants a snout greeblie without a mic/speaker inside.... Which none do
  4. Well I went ahead and went all in. Went to a local auto store and picked up the whitest whit I could find. Then set to spraying. A good number of coats later, this is where I'm at. Possibly finished the dome. Color is pretty close, but looks darker under interior lights. I think once I throw a clear coat on, it will really help. Anyone agree?
  5. Darn... That's what I'm most unsure on
  6. Awesome! Should be helpful. Did yours come painted or did you paint the white? If you painted, what brand/ how many coats?
  7. Well, ive got all my parts now. Time to assemble! Does anybody have painting tips? preperation, what paint to use, etc? any and all help in this department would be greatly appreciated. Goal is to come close to ABS matching
  8. Could I paint them and call it good?
  9. So I found the headband and 3m bolts on eBay the other night... They just arrived only to find that the bolts don't look correct.... The opposite of the pictures used.... Do they just need to be painted or is it basically junk?...
  10. I think I ordered in May? Was quoted 16-20 weeks, got here yesterday. Also ordered a belt with it. In the time frame quoted it should of arrived in September, but here it a month early! Very surprised! Might be a gamble from order to order though given their recent backlog....
  11. So my MLC just came in! Early too! Question is, what now? I have ordered some trooper bay decals, but what else does it need? It comes with the glue on snout greeblie, but no riser plate. Good source for a replacement that fits? Also, recommendations for painting that will give it that bright white shine? Thanks!
  12. Could be like me and go 0-100 real quick... I messed up my paint, then when I tried to correct it by respraying white, the plastic had an adverse reaction and caused it to yellow to a vanilla-ish color... Then I tried sanding if off and made it worse... Said screw it and took it to a buddy who paints cars professionally. I said "fix this." Now it looks great!! But a pro car paint job will do that...
  13. I would say you are correct. Sometimes people refer to say, a motorcycle helmet lens as a visor, so the interchangeability carries on from there.
  14. The "Len/visor" was probably saidbecause some people call it one or the other.... Going to say 99.9% sure it comes with the visor.... Not the lens...
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