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Ketchup last won the day on August 27 2016

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About Ketchup

  • Birthday June 5

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    Not Telling
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    United States
  • Interests
    Cosplay, SFX make-up, aviation, martial arts

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  • 501st Garrison
    Mountain Garrison
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  1. Sounds good! Should be easy enough.
  2. Okay everyone, here’s the boot: Boot candidate The upper sole is a slightly different shade of tan, matching the body of the boot. I have no idea if it will look better if I cut into it? I will see. I still can’t find the Ozark Trail boots. Boo. Lmk your thoughts!
  3. I ordered them and they should be here on Friday! I will let y’all know, then. Although, as a warning, they went up in price by like $20. I’m sure they will come back down at some point, because it’s how Amazon rolls. I will keep y’all updated!
  4. I had the same thought! I’m going to go ahead and get them and let y’all know how they look. If they’re good, they could be an excellent base boot for a great price!
  5. I found these while trying to find the Ozark boots, but no joy on those at my local Wal-Marts or online. Sadly, my feet are riiiiight at the size 7 mark. For $30 and easy Amazon returns, I will get them and see how they are in person!
  6. Thank you!! Now, to figure out how to get there… LOL
  7. Hey everyone! I need to make new boots! (Mine are no longer Lancer-approvable.) I found these base boots on Amazon and was wondering if they’d fly for a base for Lancer boots, with the cutouts, of course. The soles look like the same color all the way around, to me. Mickey said they’d be good for basic, but wanted to check with the peanut gallery to see if they’d be okay for Lancer.
  8. Question, boss… I’m not quite to approval yet. I need my suit (and thus riding patches), boots, and cod/bund remade for weight loss. I’m gonna try to submit for basic before then, but Idk if I will have time. Would it be okay if I sent you my pictures beforehand, if I can pull it off, and have like, a prelim go-ahead to participate?
  9. I just found the ImperialSurplus bolt kit thread. I'm actually pretty sure that's where I got them years ago! Thanks again, Mickey!
  10. Okay, that sounds simple enough. I suppose I was too afraid to do it back then. Heh. I will need to find some replacement 3M bolts... mine disappeared into the ether some time ago. I'm sure there's a thread here for them. Thanks for the advice!!
  11. Thanks, Mickey, you're the best!
  12. You know, it hadn't occurred to me that there is probably a 3D print file of the thing nowadays... **facepalm**
  13. Hey there everyone! Long time no post for me. I am finally on some good ADHD meds that are helping me get costume stuff done! I am finishing up my scout after... **gulp** almost ten years of having it? One of the final bits I need are the Lancer-spec concave visor bolts. I had a set of the 3M bolts, but they do not fit in the Altmann because they have a square protrusion below the cap and before the screw, which will not fit into the Altmann bolt location. I heard Spike had Lancer-spec bolt covers for them, but I am waiting to hear back from him, so I thought I might source possible solutions from Lancers with Altmann lids. Many thanks in advance! Hope to be officially among y'all soon...
  14. That's a shame. I have had an Altmann for years and I love it so much. I totally understand forgetting about stuff (Type I ADHD here) but Spike really should have done more for you. I have had all the same positive experiences you did, though. Hopefully it's a fluke. 😕
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