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netslave last won the day on December 14 2016

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  1. This is a pretty good alternative as well. With the right weathering, it's a pretty good boot. Minus the seam down the side, it's pretty darn close. Brown or tan should be ok if you weather it. Brown will need to be lightened up for sure. https://www.amazon.com/Eastland-Daily-Double-Chelsea-Brown/dp/B00CF7H5WC/ref=sr_1_9?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1490039527&sr=1-9&nodeID=7141123011&psd=1&keywords=brown%2Bdouble%2Bboot&th=1&psc=1
  2. Cummerbund is also ribbed all the way around. The snout is different, as well we the shoulder bells. And there's a new red decal on the back of the bucket. And the chest is shaped differently, especially around the neck. Those are all what come to mind immediately. As for a CRL, like the animated clone stuff, it'll have to be it's own CRL, and the costume would have to match the look and feel of the rebels show, rather than be a realistic version of the costume. Meaning, many people probably wouldn't want to make it.
  3. From one of the costume designers:
  4. Are you planning to attach it to the inside of the ab? I attached by wife's on the outside, but realized later that it would work just as well, if not better, attached to the inside.
  5. That clip looks really good. Edges could be rounded a bit more. But if opting to use a belt clip like this, how will you attach the thermal/back plate? Snaps on the sides of the belt? Clips?
  6. Yes, for sure black.
  7. I totally agree. With the go-to list above, you're pretty safe. Most people I've seen are using these colors. After a few of us spent way more on paint than we care to admit to test, this was the best list we came up with.
  8. Yeah, that's what I thought, and emailed them about it, but they confirmed. I mean, it didn't look THAT green to the eye, but still... yikes.
  9. Here's a 'coyote brown' that I bought from ebay compared to my darker brown belt. Way too green, so just be careful that you know what you're buying.
  10. I'd be careful with the coyote brown. It can look a little too khaki green, I guess depending on the maker. I went with this: https://www.amazon.c...e?ie=UTF8&psc=1 And here's my belt. (I'll be fixing that double box last)
  11. I tried the spa blue and thought it was way too deep of a blue.
  12. Thanks. tinypic.com seems to have dies temporarily.
  13. But the neck seal shown here isn't affected by the lighting at ce3. Since the whole neck is in shadow from the harsh, terrible lighting, it's only affected by the flash, which if anything, brightens it up. I'm not doubting your man saw a brown neck seal somewhere, but until we have visual proof, it can't really be used as reference for us. We need to be the source of the information, and prove, with reference material, that we're correct, or we can't require something be a certain way.
  14. I added a little to reduce confusion. I just referenced the traditional (classic) TK so people would know it's based on the old look but with new details.
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