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501st Pathfinder
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About Rascal

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  • 501st Garrison
    Central Garrison
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  1. Any updates on the CRL? Been awhile since submitted. Niki Moffre is ready to put a cumberbund together for me but we don't know what color..
  2. Hmm.. I think I'm just going to go for it myself. Thanks to Grumpy for all the information on here I can use to make my own set. I'll be making a mold to cast the glove greebs too. I just can't justify spending 60 bucks on only the greeblies. But who knows.. I might do a terrible job with them and wish I had paid for them. LOL .. I might be kicking myself later!
  3. Im going to start pulling the pockets and such off mine tonight. Then to die (2 dark browns, 1 black).. Thanks for all the info on here! It will be very useful. Since you mentioned the riding patch, where is it at now? Gray or Tan? I know this was flip flopping there for awhile.
  4. I can't help y'all at all, no pics or anything because I am just beginning my build, but I want to say thanks to all who are putting in so much effort to get this CRL done and get the pics out there. For those of us just starting the builds, there are a lot of unknowns, which is excrutiatingly frustrating. But I've been trying to follow along. I don't necessarily agree with the final CRL entirely, but the bottom line is we all need to get on the same page, so it is what it is. I'm too much of a noob to have any standing to disagree with you guys, who have been doing this far longer and I consider experts. Thanks again all!
  5. hmm.. so for the right amount of credits...... ...... ...... would grumpy start making gloves again.. hmmmmmmmmm
  6. drool... that looks amazing .. I want that rifle.. great job!
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