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501st Legion (RET)
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Bootlegger137 last won the day on June 13 2020

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81 Excellent

About Bootlegger137

  • Birthday 10/06/1970

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Carida
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Congrats, Mickey.
  2. Not sure if there is a PDF for it, but maybe the info in this post will help:
  3. Another possible option is @Chrisx909x here on the forum.
  4. If it’s any help in sorting the problem, I can only see 2 photos from my phone. However, if I click on one of the “missing images,” it takes me to the Flickr page with the “linked” image visible.
  5. Welcome! I built an SC armor kit to Lancer spec in a one bedroom apartment (using the kitchen counter as a workbench, and sitting on the couch using the coffee table for workspace). It can be done! 😉 I’m not much at sewing, so the soft bits were purchased from fellow forum members...so you’ve got a leg up in that respect. Best of luck!
  6. I’ve heard that putting the piece in the fridge or freezer helps with that...but I’ve never tried it.
  7. Only things that jump out is the bicep armor looks a little low...and that dreaded problem with the cod bunching up. These are more “dressing” problems than construction, I think.
  8. Currently working on an ART for Garrison Carida. Mickey...sent you a friend request on Facebook. Chris
  9. Ok...I made adjustments to all the items pointed out. Hopefully, it shows. (BTW...I didn't go "full monty" with the armor, only what was an issue and/or necessary to illustrate the adjustments): - pouches should be between an inch away from the last rib (respectively) and the outer edge of the chest armor Measured and re-positioned each pouch - please try to pull up the cod by about an inch Moved the velcro attachment on the jumpsuit up (a little over) an inch - the drop boxes should hang about an inch higher (please check references) Shortened the belting, and re-adjusted the false buckles - the suit is bunched up a bit, particularly around the knees Did what I could (even had the girlfriend help once I was in position for the pic, in case walking "poofed" it out)
  10. Thanks for the feedback. I’ve already fixed the boot shaft, oddly enough. I’ll try and get it all fixed and do some updated pics over the weekend.
  11. I glued my topper first, then added the rivet and washer.
  12. Chris Wallis TB-14831 https://www.501st.co...256&costumeID=6 Bootlegger137 Garrison Carida Helmet - Altmann (Spike) Armor - SC Flightsuit - Chunk (Modified RedKap) Vest - Chrisx909x Cummerbund - Chrisx909x Pouches - Chrisx909x Boots - Chrisx909x Blaster - DVH Gloves - WampaWear Balaclava - UnderArmor Hood Helmet: Chest Armor (Front, Rear, Shoulder Bridges, Shoulder Bells): Bicep: Forearm: Knee: Boots: Belt: Gloves: Flightsuit: Vest: Bund: Cod: Blaster: Thermal Detonator:
  13. Aaaannnddd...APPROVED. TB-14831 reporting for duty.
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