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neoakaj last won the day on March 8 2014

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About neoakaj

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    Colorado Springs

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    Mountain Garrison
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  1. Been a couple weeks without update. I have all of the armor completed including the knees and shins. We decided to make the pants in house and are nearly complete with them. I have the boots in hand now(basic for now). The only items left to do is paint the boots, assemble the belt, and do the strapping. I got a little off touch with finishing this as I was able to get some other low hanging fruit costumes finished up. I would expect that by next week ill be taking some pre app photos!
  2. Work got in the way so I didnt make much progress yesterday except some clear on the TD. Today I am back at it hoping to have something more done boots also ordered
  3. Thank you and ordered! I’ll keep a look for them. But for the time being glad to know they will work. as for progress. I dug out all the items and started assembling some parts. I also had a couple half built blasters so I finished them up. I will make new ones of the blasters so I can pay more attention to sanding since these are just printed in color. Was a trial last year for the new printer. currently I have shin and knee parts as well as a new TD on the printers, and a good majority of the armor getting close to sanding. tomorrow my goal is to be able to wear some of it.
  4. Hello all Starting a build for this. After much thinking and bouncing between this or the executioner I decided to land here! We have a growing number of first order troopers here in my garrison but no treadspeeder Helmet: Denuo Novo TLJ Premiere Armor: DN kit with 3d printed shins and knees with MrPoopy’s wonderful files! Gaskets: Geeky Pink’s Gloves: EndorFinders Boots: Unknown Pants: Unknown Neckseal: Geeky Pink’s or DN Blaster: Printed in house with the5thHorseman’s amazing files I have the majority of the armor trimmed and ready for assembly. I have all of my printers running for a Droideka currently but I suspect about a week or less and they will be free to print the shins and knees. And I have my blaster printed and about 90% assembled. I have the gaskets already in hand as well. the only items I am not sure of now is the pants and the boots. I heard that Geeky Pink might have considered making the pants but I cannot seem to get a hold of Teresa. Does anyone know? as for the boots, would something like this work for level 1? Of course painted white and logos removed https://a.co/d/08oOdsGy Hopefully in the future I can find a pair of AlpineStars on market or eBay but for now I’m just looking for something cheap ish to get started. I’ll post pictures in the next few days
  5. First off I will start by saying that every time I order from MC, I am impressed by the care taken in how the items are all wrapped and the care taken in making sure the parts show up without flaws. Even though I am only a few hours away, I still have items shipped from time to time.
  6. As I have turned this into the scout from the Mandalorian show, I will be restarting this build. I just received a new scout kit from Cal. I will be doing a new build with updates that I have learned with the last build. Pictures of the new parts and updates to the kit coming later today
  7. I will take some comparison pictures of the MC vs the (I poorly put together years ago) SC helmet once the MC is painted and ready. One of my favorite parts of the MC helmet is the vacuum formed visor
  8. And yeah the helmet was a stoke of luck. Had a rough week last week but happened across it via a friend. When Cal does a larger run after his small changes I will definitely be after a shadow set. My old SC shadow has seen better days and I want to bring more life to it. The shadow scout was my first kit but always wanted the white scout. It’s so amazing being this close after almost 6 years
  9. The straps are already off white that came with the kit. I did a lot with the tea dying on my smowtrooper as well as many other items, like paper, so I should be good. I am just glad the smell is gone from the snowie duster now. Every cold troop I would feel I needed some earl gray hot from a replicatior... err what now... wrong universe :-P
  10. I was able to get a hold of one of the new MC scout helmets! So the only area that I feel is lagging in my build is the racing suit. It is a modded redkap. It fits me nearly perfect but the real suede patch doesn't show as much in the front as I want it to. Someday I will upgrade that. All that is left is to make some boots and maybe new pouches. I didn't have enough of the off white material to make two, so I made them in white white and plan to tea/coffee dye them If they don't turn out good ill make new ones. Once this is done, I might have to talk with Cal and see about a new shadow scout next!
  11. All of the armor is set to go. Waiting for my wife to finish the bund and pouches. Maybe, just maybe, ill be able to have this for Halloween!
  12. Thermal det finished. The picture makes the paint look bad but it looks great in person. Also the belt is done 99% I just have to mount the beltbox straps in the back, but want to wait until I have my bund ready so I can make sure it all sits right. I may have a picture of the racing suit today. If I am able to get that picture, let me know if it looks good for basic approval. I doubt its Lancer.
  13. Back tank is mounted and the stickers are on. Waiting for paint to dry on the top part. I just did a rough test fit of the chest and back, I will need to use my belt sander to make them shorter
  14. Build log morning of Sept 9th. If using the sprung steel clips for the belt that is included with the MC kit, I would highly suggest using a drill press to make the holes. I broke one drill bit and ruined the cutting surface of another using my "cheap" drill bits from Lowes. So the thermal det may wait a bit before it gets done. Moving onto the tank and fitting the chest and back
  15. Something I wanted to say about the kit from MC, the care that was taken in protecting the plastic. This is something that goes over looked I feel. I have received armor, TKs and whatnot, from other makers where the parts are just thrown in a box or have a little bit of packing paper with it. The MC kit, even only going from the north end of Colorado to the middle, I was impressed. Each part was wrapped and protected.
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