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About ShaneArc

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern Cross Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Hi everyone, I've managed to sort out a whole kit which has been pre-approved The only thing that I need to change in time is that the Helmet is going off-white. I have no idea how to paint the fibreglass helmet, or what paints to use! If anyone could tell me what to use and the best way to apply it - that would be fantastic! Thanks everyone!
  2. Great guide! I saw one of those helmets on eBay and was shocked to see it was even licensed. But after seeing its conversion - I'm impressed! Best of luck tackling this if you go ahead with it. I would be awesome to see someone do it!
  3. Hi Glenn, Hm, good to know! I was just a tad confused as the seller told me it was Resin. Hopefully it should be easy enough to work it! Thanks!
  4. Sorry, pictures are fixed!
  5. Alright, here are the photo's as promised! I'm pretty sure it is Resin, but I don't really know much about these sorts of things! Looking forward to hearing from you all!
  6. Hey! Once I'm home from work I'll snap a couple of pictures of the helmet for you! Thanks!
  7. Hi everyone! I have recently purchased a kit from someone in the UK Garrison, and it was fantastic. Although, the Helmet is resin and I am yet to work on it. Would a Resin helmet be any more difficult to work with then a standard ABS helmet? Or would it be a better idea to get an ABS one? If so, where from? Sorry about all the questions, its just been stuck in my mind for days. Also, I'm from Australia! Thanks!
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