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quingald finn

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by quingald finn

  1. Hi guys and girls, last weekend i had a photoshoot and during the shoot i lost both my toecaps, anyone know if these parts are sold separately? and Where ofcoarse
  2. Hi guys its been awhile since i've been on the forum, wanted to say hi and let you in on my new scrap built DC15s this was just the beginning of the build and i wasnt very happy with the pistolgrip just so you know the folding stock really works and i made a replacement for the magazine(that will be change soon)
  3. here is the finished product with the weapon of choice (DC15HE made by Woodchuck)
  4. finnished with the cumberbund and pouches. What you think of them?
  5. they really make an issue about metalic wear on the armor as they say clone armor isnt metal base after i making these changes im gonna aply 1 more time and if dont get aproved its there lost
  6. I wasnt happy with the Cummberbund i made, so i made a new one. On top of that i was told by Rebel legion that my ammopouches were too dark, and i had to make them lighter or make new ones so i made new ones (thx to Grumpy i had a set to copy) now i need to camo them the same as my hard armor and then weather them a bit
  7. Only thing i need are some guns, any1 have plans for a DC15Short and DC15A?
  8. CB12771(DutchFrogger) reporting in
  9. So what you guys think of it?
  10. can i sent in pics aswell, im not yet aproved? i would love to help if im allowed.
  11. redone my lens with a green mirror film old version new version looks much beter now
  12. I know what you guys mean but i want to get aproved and the more i kick the gml's the bigger my list is gonna be so ill fix these thing the way they want and be done with it. And Allan it wasnt my dropboxes but the box on the leftbicep armor, it was light gray And mabye we should get the CRL up on the mainwebsite because it isnt up to date with the one on bikerscout.net, that why guys like us get in these kind of trouble because the gml's dont look at WIP CRL's.
  13. No thx nothing i couldnt handle just some minor changes, colour of the undersuit is fixed now brown instead of black/brown, new riding patch (it was tan now gray), underarmstraps were 1 piece with a black piece inbetween and i removed the black piece, biceparmor needed to be rotated 90 degrees and box on the left needed to be darker gray and my knees straps werent visible on the pictures so ill sent in a detail with next run, the only big thing was my shins i had to cut out aprox. 2,5cm to make look beter and fit right but that coming along just fine aswell
  14. first atempt for aproval, got a list of thing i needed to change. been busy today correcting these and hopefully ill get aproved 2nd run pictures will follow later
  15. Thx, and Yes i did cover the cod piece with cloth ( the same i used to make my undersuit of, so its a bit smoother then i used before(second try)) im gonna durty them up today, so hopefully i can post my pictures end of the weekend for approval
  16. think im getting there the green hase you see at the bottom of the shingaurds is the shade of the shoulderbells(not really there) pictures of the helmet will follow
  17. Thx guys this was just a test piece but ill add some more camo
  18. first part is Camo'ed and chromed What u think of it
  19. @admiral Targeta, i made the buckle myself, its made of aluminium and its bolted to the belt with 2 M4 screws in the back and i painted the rubber with a car touchup kit (the paint stays a bit flexible) @ Grumpy here the closeup of the elbow straps
  20. im almost there just a few more things chrome is gone but will be replaced What you think about the base so far?
  21. im getting ready for paint, wont be long now
  22. finished my soft armor (just needs weathering) and im quit happy with it
  23. matter of fact i just did and i was just gonna post some pictures even thou i just got back from CEII i find some time to do some work on my suit and armor (sounds like being a Knight). the green glow is from the green parasol, i think it turned out great nice and dark and i fixed my backpack to the backplate and its aproved by my dog so now im ready for bondo and sanding
  24. Ok here we go again, Undersuit redone (custome made) New neckline design New pockets on the New trousers aswell and i done my legarmor for the the left leg, just need to trim and reshap the edges and it will be ready for bondo
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