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501st Legion Member
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About Ingeli

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  • 501st Garrison
    Nordic Garrison
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  1. Thanks for the welcome and encouraging words, guys! I promise to ask for everything, and will post pictures of the progress as well! Progress so far: no idea where my E6000 could be so need to buy more.
  2. So, finally got my act together and started on a biker scout. I got some small things already. Gloves and fabric for cummerbund and pouches are already in the house. Balaclava will be the same I've used as a pilot. Flak vest I will buy fabric for on Friday, as well as velcro for the closing for both that and the cummerbund. Due to my... special, is a nice word for it I guess... feet, I decided I will do the boots myself. With my TI, I bought four pair of boots before I found something that worked. So ordered a pair of boots and the vinyl. Now I just need to find my tube of E6000 before I can start. Jumpsuit is ordered, a plain one that needs modifications around the collar and removal of a couple of pockets as well as some dye. Plastics arrive next week, hopefully. Only thing not ordered yet is the gun. So, need to fix that too. Gonna be FUN doing this!
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