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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by plushie

  1. I am a mess.. He was so freaking nice. I last trooped with him on Yuri's Night. I was hoping he would be found safely with his military training. Allen last month, now Lucas. It's a painful time for us at Mountain Garrison. He was so gosh darned nice. I hate thinking of him in the past tense. From March, at a special needs all stars troop... https://imgur.com/a/skE21H9
  2. AHA. I didn't pay attention to the mando bit
  3. Throw some green in there, go crazy! Scouts work for a living! Here's the weathering on mine.
  4. NICE weathering. For picture hosting, I use imgur.com. They can be clunky at times, but they've been a decent source. Good luck with your application here in Mountain Garrison!
  5. Buckets off... condolences to his family from this scout household.
  6. Hi there! This one is pricey, but I love mine. The wool is not hot at all. It breathes beautifully and the moisture wicking is awesome. It's also comfy and doesn't feel too tight on my head and face.
  7. VADER! VADER! VADER! Ahem. Chiming in with tall scouts are great! Hubby, TB-5794 is over 6' tall. The kits are totally forgiving on height/size.
  8. Greetings fellow Coloradan!! If you haven't hopped on over at Mountain Garrison, please do so! mg501.com! And you shouldn't have an issue, my husband, TB-5794 is over 6' tall and wears his scout just fine!
  9. I bounced like a little kid seeing the scouts. That was the next best thing to Thrawn for me in the trailer!
  10. I've been in a Don Post/Rubies since approval in 12/2012. I just purchased an MLC and am SO looking forward to the upgrade! My current helmet has served me well, but it's very misshapen and just doesn't look right.
  11. Going yellow? Weather that kit! That's my option suggestion
  12. I believe SkyScout is making progress with communication with MC in regards to her yellow scout kit. But I'll let her confirm that with you guys.
  13. Jello likes his Hole in the Ground blaster.
  14. He was also preoccupied while working on his LandSpeeder replica. That's been a side project for a couple of years. Great looking speeder, no denying that, buuuut when you have customers who paid in full waiting..
  15. MonCal's sculpts are quality and the man is skilled, but I don't recommend him due to the wait time and incredibly poor communication. There have also been issues with recent pulls, pointed out in another thread.
  16. I hope the vendor makes it right. Kits should not yellow so alarmingly fast.
  17. I let my soft goods air out post-troop. The suit and balaclava are easily washed. The inside of the armor can be wiped down. Like Bubonos, I'm a big fan of weathering, so the cummerbund gets aired out.
  18. I put in a join group request. GO GIRL SCOUTS
  19. Velcro and black elastic straps works for me.
  20. Hi there! I'm about 5'6", on the heavy set side in places. I wear a MonCal biker scout and find it comfortable, no modifcation needed. As far as being busty goes, on my current TFA TK build, I found I need to wear a compression bra to flatten things down as much as possible under the chest plate. I'd say this works for any armor situation. Good luck!!
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