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lawdawg 35

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by lawdawg 35

  1. Really really awesome! You knocked that out of the park! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Just got my approval notification from my GML. Thanks again to everyone who helped me along the way!
  3. My wife makes them, several different characters. She has her own etsy site and also does some conventions here in the Carida area. Thanks for all the encouraging comments and for the suggestions too
  4. Howdy Folks, Been working on my build for almost two years now and have the utmost respect for you guys and this Detachment thanks so much for all of the help that is posted here. Especially Pandatrooper, I did my best to follow his example during my build. Also thanks for the Boot tutorial and the tips listed by batninja for cutting the soles Special thanks to SC for being so great in the customer service dept and also producing a heck of an awesome armor kit! Just took my submission photos today and would love some feedback so please chime in . https://www.flickr.c...57646197302873/ Thanks in advance-hope to be a full Pathfinder soon! Mike Bryant BH/IS/TA 7341 Garrison Carida
  5. Sc is great kit and their customer service is second to none!
  6. I managed to find the answers to all my questions on my own....disregard previous post....my build continues....
  7. Hi panda! Just wanted to say thanks for posting this thread it is incredibly helpful! Two questions for you, 1 where did you get scrap plastic for the piece to mount the tank to the back armor? Also where do you find the pieces of aluminum for the TD clips and the neat TD mounting thingy? I am also looking for the magnet cups you used for that piece, I have the magnets, just need the rest of the bits. Thanks for the help! Mike
  8. I just got mine today.....Outstanding quality! Love 'em!
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