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501st Pathfinder
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jyjellyfish77 last won the day on January 20 2014

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95 Excellent

About jyjellyfish77

  • Birthday 07/25/1982

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Location
    Davie, FL
  • Interests
    Star Wars, soccer, Disney, and craft beer.

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison - Everglades Squad
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  1. Go for it! As mentioned below, they are with armory but WW are pretty much the exact same. It makes them so much nicer. Fun project and my gloves are still working to this day.
  2. I'm not a small trooper but I don't believe that you can go wrong with Spike's helmet. I love mine. *MLCv3 is the helmet in my signature
  3. Shouldn't be an issue. I have the SC armor and MLCv3 helmet and everything works great. I wear a 7 5/8 hat. From what I've read, the Altmann's will fit. Hopefully I'll have mine in the next couple weeks.
  4. I have the three piece belt and it works fine. Just used the instructions he send and place the two rivets connecting the side pieces. It has plenty of flex. The straps won't be acceptable connecting it like you have.
  5. Welcome! If you're not on the Florida Garrison forums, you should go check it out. There are many Shoretroopers in Central Florida that I'm sure would be happy to help out.
  6. Pretty good. I'd raise those thigh boxes up a bit. Make sure those pouches are on the outside edge of the vertical ribs.
  7. Might buy a second set of gloves that are a little larger. I also took the liner out of my gloves, removed the foam in the middle, and then installed the liner back in. That made then a bit more flexible and roomy.
  8. What part of Florida? If you haven't already, jump on the Florida Garrison Forum and get your name out there. Lots of scouts in Florida (Detachment Leader) that can help you personally with your build. I'm in South Florida if you're in the area.
  9. I can agree with this, it will depend on where you live. In South Florida it can make a different with humidity fogging up the lenses but I have also trooped recently without them. During the summer months if we're outside in the afternoon they can be a life saver. My new stuff that I'm buying is for my Shore though.
  10. I just picked up (hasn't arrived yet) this one which looks pretty cool. I have thin USB batteries that I bought off Groupon for a great deal but you can find those types of things anywhere. I'm excited to get all this in a bucket with the ukswrath amp (yet to be ordered). Fans https://www.etsy.com...shopheader-name Voice amp stuff is in the sale forum http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=26
  11. Everyone will notice different things. You're on your way but here's what I see: 1. pouches are on the wrong sides, easy fix. 2. on the toe area of your boot, the vinyl doesn't look like a clean cut. Do you have the thin strip that should line the bottom edge of that toe vinyl? It does wonders to cover up the cutting lines. Good luck, everyone goes through little things that they missed while building, that's why we're all here.
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