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501st Legion (RET)
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CRISTONAMO last won the day on April 23 2016

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    New Mexico

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  • 501st Garrison
    Dewback Ridge Garrison
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  1. I as well have just scored a Don post helmet, I have made a few of these before so I will be putting a how to thread on how i convert these helmets.
  2. trim that scout visor!!! its bugging me that no ones said it, way too much flashing on it.
  3. Heres a few pictures i took for comparison between scouts The first is a Altmanns, a Nairod biker scout 5 piece helmet, and a KS helmet. Nairod, and KS. Nairod, KS Below is a comparison of a Rubies scout trooper helmet and a Don Post scout trooper helmet, both modified by me. Rubies on the left, don post on the right. This is what the rubies looked like when I got it. And this is what the don post looked like when i bought it.
  4. They've used that photo for the rubies helmet for years, ever since it went for sale online, ascreencap of the movie, you get what another member just posted, but the can be made to look like the picture shown with mods.
  5. The RS looks bigger and after seeing them side by side the LW doesn't look as close to the original as previously thought
  6. This fix still confuses me cause movie scouts have that stitching, Gino even showed me a picture of an original pouch that had it. When does anyone think this will be changed? Isn't lancer for ultimate accuracy?
  7. Why would you guys send back the helmet? You're most likely gonna get the same helmet back, or another one with similar problems. Cause they'll rush your helmet while they finish up others orders. Then you'll be caught in a cycle of sending back what you get, I'd say just fix it yourself.
  8. Even though I don't live in New Mexico anymore I can say there's an ART being formed for Dewback Ridge Garrison as we speak
  9. Congrats on the approval! If you happen to replace your vest would you sell it? I could use one.
  10. I found this for sale on the 501st forums, for a great price. I found out this unique piece is a 5 pieces hips scout helmet made by RPF member nairod. He has an account on here too i believe. The helmet was apparently made from a heavily modded don post. I have a don't post for comparison the Nairod helmet is more narrow and taller shaped. In my opinion its the most accurate fan made helmet next to lonewofl and possibly more rare than LW Since he no longer owns the molds or makes them anymore. The helmet came in ol condition with cracks on the bottom and edges I already reinforced with backing to hold it. I will be fixing this helmet up and Its such an interesting find to me. the helmet does fit my head but its a tight fit. fixed there crack on the chin by reinforcing it with plastic and superglue.
  11. You should sell it to one of the many members wanting one instead!
  12. This looks exact same as my kit from 2014.
  13. Where is the pocket located exactly? Maybe i am confused.
  14. they do not need to be removed for basic, cause they are not even visible in final suitup.
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