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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Landeaux

  1. I used decals from Trooperbay for my helmet. http://trooperbay.com/
  2. This happened to me the other day at work. So right before I was to leave for the day, security came knocking at my office saying I need to go to my car. Not sure of what's going on I walk out with security. Now I work for a Native American casino, as I head to the parking lot escorted by security, I see Tribal police, two mobile security units at my car. Come to find out someone saw my sniper rifle on the floorboard and reported it. After I explained what it was to Tribal Police, everybody but the two who reported it had good laugh. They still pick at me about it. I do understand though why the police wanted to check it out.
  3. No problem, I like your picures. This is the only one I have of me with it while in costume. We did a troop at a film festival and I used it in our prop building panel.
  4. Finally finished my rifle. I reworked the stock, drilled out the flash hider and touched up the scope.
  5. This is the bipod I bought, it does fold up and the legs can be extended. http://www.opticsplanet.com/ncstar-compact-stream-line-black-bipod-w-weaver-style-mount.html
  6. Thanks for the compliments. The materials I used were wood for the receiver and stock, pvc pipe for the barrels
  7. I thought I would challenge myself by attempting something I haven't done before, that is a scratchbuild project. So I chose the scout sniper rifle. Here is what I accomplished. There is a few cosmetic touches to be finished
  8. I use photobucket
  9. yes, they are. I have his thermal detonator greeblies
  10. Hey Dewka, my scout helmet is a cb and I am well pleased with it. I thought it might be heavy on a long troop, but I have not had any problems.
  11. It came finished from CB
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