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About Deadpool

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    Pinellas Park

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  1. So I am building a V1 kit from WTF for the wife with a helmet from another maker. I have parts but not a complete kit for myself from another 501st member that gave up on his build and sold it to me. Because mine isn't complete I'm going to go ahead and get the V2 kit and go step by step with the build and work towards Lancer.
  2. She will be using SC helmet. Yeah, I saw that thread and have been in contact with a couple of other WTF builders and the timelines for the helmets. I'm going to go ahead and build out the WTF helmets for loners and photo ops with the public. Kids love when they get to put on a helmet and pose!!
  3. So after two moves and buying a house I am finally getting around to building. Krafty K had purchased the WTF kit and before leaving Texas I picked up most of a wtf kit(missing several parts) that included boots and a "claimed" Altman helmet. Turns out the helmet is an SC, but I didn't know the difference back then...
  4. So the wife Krafty K and myself have started down the path to hugging trees lol!! After getting her BBB and looking at all involved I noticed the tank seemed odd. I will post a pic or a link to a pic in a moment. We plan to build to Lancer specs. *thanks to some ref pics on Facebook I think I should be fine.
  5. SC? Could someone PM me as to whom this is please?
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