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LeMaxim last won the day on February 5 2014

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11 Good

About LeMaxim

  • Birthday 04/16/1978

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  • 501st Garrison
    Nordic Garrison
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  1. "TB... or not TB..." I see what you did there. Fun!
  2. Well, well. Nice going. Looking forward to see this evolving.
  3. Right. Thanks for the explanation. Those pictures had me confused. Cheers!
  4. I might have misunderstood the "process" pictures from this album from The Prop Den on Facebook. Picture 8 and 9.
  5. And it looks like the legend version is assembled just like the movie ones. The Prop Den put pictures up on their FB page today. Might, however, just be me misunderstanding what some of the pictures mean.
  6. Fabri-tac. Sounds good. I don't know what it is, but it sounds good. You've got this Lou. Well spotted! Looking forward to another unlocked-part-achievement.
  7. Looks good but it seems there needs to be a few difficult modifications to make them pass basic. The missing suede parts is the biggest concern I would have, but I guess someone with some skills could make it work. As far as non-prop gloves go I'd say they are very close though and I would be surprised if they don't share the same design-heritage (so to speak)
  8. Wow! Great project. This I must follow.
  9. Nice. Actually looks good with the TK lid too.
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