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Crikk last won the day on July 24 2013

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About Crikk

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    Dune Sea Garrison
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  1. Looks pretty darn good sir! Nice job on the boots (cutting the soles) looks like you've got it handled pretty well!
  2. I'm pretty sure the screw is to temporarily attach the face/visor to the back of the bucket. My lens is tacked in place with hot glue, so when it get too scratched i'll just replace it. As for the small plastic pieces I have no idea. shims?,
  3. Pretty darn good!!! Boxes should be centered on the side of your leg. (use the seam on the leg as a guide) And they could come up just a hair to be perfect, but totally acceptable.
  4. Just my opinion, but this is your bucket, the most visible part of the costume and you want it to look good. I would sand out the imperfections, fill any dimples with spot putty and get the surface as good as you can and give it a coat of gray primer (wet sandable). I've heard of guys talking to a body shop where they can match the white of your armor and do a professional paint job. Might cost you a few extra bucks, but well worth it.
  5. Remember when weathering 'less is more'. It is easy to over do it, and you can always add more later. Just always think of whick parts will get worn/scraped in real life. Knees will show more wear than the arm armor. Any outside edges will get scraped on the helmet and pack. Debris will collect in the cracks/crevices, but keep it minimal.
  6. Did you modify the collar with a velcro flap? Also I took the legs in about an inch on mine as they were too loose/baggy.
  7. i agree the pouches look a bit big, but other than that it's all good!! Looks like a rebel piot disguising yourself as a scout (I wonder if they'll notice?) HaHa
  8. Just thought I'd mention, here in the US look up 'Harbor Freight Tools'. it's a great place to get tools cheap. I bought my rivet gun there for $3, they also have glue, velcro, heat gun, power tools (dremel) etc. Basically everthing you need
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