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501st Legion (RET)
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AnasaziActual last won the day on January 17 2019

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26 Excellent

About AnasaziActual

  • Birthday 03/17/1965

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    100+ TB
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  1. I got a set from Chef. Here's the thread: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12263&hl=clips&st=0
  2. I LOVE my SC Armor...I needed to do very little trimming/sanding, but did need to expand a few holes for the strapping...overall a very good set of armor with easy assembly. I even bought a Shadow Scout set from him, just haven't had time to get it built yet.
  3. I am hoping to see another run of the regular pathfinder patches offered soon..My idea is to present a patch to each new Scout upon completion of their first troop as a way of saying "welcome to the Group"
  4. It shows as a closed group, here is a link to it: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1726495147635499/
  5. DRG is working on getting one started now...if one of the Command team wants to request to join the group it is "Scouts of the DRG" at this point..we're just getting started, trying to decide on a name, etc...
  6. Welcome aboard. Don't worry so much about the questions. The folks here are pretty good at helping out and are very supportive of everyone who needs help.
  7. Just got my boots from Marcel for my Lancer. They look great, fit well and arrived MUCH faster than I expected. Thanks Marcel! John Roberts TB-62001 Dewback Ridge Garrison
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