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Rust Bucket 9

501st Pathfinder
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About Rust Bucket 9

  • Birthday 04/18/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Paintball, Trooping

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Carolina Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I have KS armor and helmet. The helmet is pretty good, but I don't recommend the armor. I've seen the SC armor and it has much crisper lines and on the whole looks better. Also the KS helmet is bigger. So if you have a large head or need to wear glasses with it on it would probably be the way to go. Either is acceptable for approval with a bit of work. I also ordered it pre-built. The snout on the helmet, elevator bolts on the side of the helmet and the T bits on the biceps have all needed to be replaced. The tank topper on the back has needed to be painted with white circle and red line. Other than that it has just been very minor things. I would suggest getting it in a kit and not pre-built. You should get in contact with you local garrison mates and have them help you at an armor party. They can teach you how to do the cutting and sanding and fitting. This way it's a lot cheaper and you can fix it yourself if the need arises. It may take a little longer but I think it will be well worth the effort. Hope this helps and watch out for trees.
  2. I don't think Chris is saying that heat is the problem. Rather the problem is that the screen accurate ones keep falling apart after just a few troops. So in order to keep those in optimal condition he would wear the rubber ones on fun troops but use the vinyl ones to gain clearance and do serious troops wear screen accuracy is a must. I wouldn't mind doing this as well, if it's allowed.
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