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DUFF last won the day on February 3 2014

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  1. DuKu blasters are currently out of production but i plan on having one going late fall, when summer work calms down and i can get back into the shop.
  2. here is the new Recessed Scope mount. Gong to have to go with a slightly smaller power cell to fit it properly
  3. Updating the master a bit before we pour mold #2 Changes ill be making 1. making grip slightly skinnier and rounding the back side to be closer to screen used: 2. Making the power cell slightly larger in diameter and less space between rings 3. Adding the smaller ring to the back of the power cell 4. Moving scope flush with main body 5. Using real Single Point for Scope mold 6. Interchangeable scope noses for hollow or solid nose options Anything else you guys can see that needs to be tweaked for the new version? Thanks for any input -Duff
  4. Finally available for purchase. http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=10994
  5. Ok guys we are just about ready to go with production. They will be going on sale July 1 so keep an eye out on the Trade Forums for info Here is a couple of videos showing their durability
  6. Hang in there guys. almost ready to start taking orders. Want everything to be just right
  7. They will defiantly be produced. In fact we have got 8 of them cast already and once we get 10 completely done they will go on sale. Just working out some details with the resin accessory pieces and we will be ready to go. I am not sure on the CTM holster. if for some odd reason it doesn't fit the holster we will offer a full refund.
  8. Update: Just poured the last part of the Production mold this morning . If the mold proves good I should be able to pull the first production blaster tonight. With luck ill be taking the first orders in a week.
  9. I need to make a few minor changes to the master and remold the blaster for production. Will be rolling on them very soon!! I will be offering them in clear as well the final mold will be pressure cast which will allow us to cast clear versions as well
  10. The cool thing is we can make them either way depending on the scout's preference.
  11. Done! Finally got a scope mold without a seam and adjustment knobs are part of the cast (not glued on) Off for the last round of testing then final molds. Hope to be in production by end of April!! Do you guys prefer the gloss look like the earlier casts or the Matte finish of this one?
  12. The original has slight grooves on the front of the frame but not near as formed as the ones on my frame.. They were added to provide a much better grip on the blaster when trooping. Original screen used Blaster: http://www.proparchi...wars-episode-vi
  13. Yea, rare earth magnet is ingratiated into the hard transistor. The soft transistor doesn't work as well with the magnet so it wont be integrated for that piece.
  14. Thanks for the review! Hope to have these ready for the troops soon.
  15. Few more pix with the scope attached. Will be sending a few out to selected evaluators for review. hope to use their input and have a final production mold in a month or so integrated magnet Unique Serial numbers. X designates "B" cast
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