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501st Pathfinder
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AniTheSith last won the day on March 19 2013

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6 Neutral

About AniTheSith

  • Birthday 03/11/1991

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501st Information

  • Name
    Annika "Ani"
  • 501st Designation
  1. Thank you, I will definitely do that! No I'm not wearing a flak vest. Like I said at the top of this post the only thing remaining on these pictures is the helmet and the vest Thank you!
  2. Thanks for the feedback! I don't think I can bring up the boxes though because of my hips. If you look a bit close at the pictures above you can see that the boxes don't lie tight against my legs, they stick out a bit because of my hips so if I bring them up more they will actually stand out like a pair of airplane wings haha. It's a little bit tricky for a girl with shapes. But thank you very much, I appreciate it
  3. Thank you! That's Nice to hear
  4. Thank you Jim! I'm very please with my armor now My big dream will soon finally come true!
  5. So I finished my armor this weekend Please feel free to give me some feedback, I would very much appreciate it. The only things I'm missing now is the helmet and the flak vest. Next time I take pictures will probably be for my application
  6. So I finished the armor this weekend Please feel free to give me some feedback, I would very much appreciate it. The only things I'm missing now is the helmet and the flak vest. Next time I take pictures will probably be for my application (I will post this in the "show off" too)
  7. Soon done with the flight suit!
  8. Ooh thank you! That is really nice to hear!
  9. 24 Feb 2013. Put the stickers on the tank. Filled my pouches with some foam rubber. The belt is almost done! Fixed the strap (white webbing, 50mm) for the sides of the back and chest plate. Did the shoulder bridges too (not finished on the picture). This is how it looks for now. Front (happyface) Back I will shorten my shoulder bells a little bit more and put curves on the corners. I will also bring them back a little bit so that it wont be such a big gap between the shoulder bells and the back plate.
  10. It looks sooo great Patrik! Thank you for all the help!
  11. This is as far as I have come at this point What do you think? I will change the placement of the bicep armor! Back:
  12. Thank you Jim!
  13. 17 Feb 2013 T-bits on, upper arms are now complete! Knee armor is also done!
  14. Got my big package from Marcel today! It was the cummerbund + pouches and my boots. Everything fits perfectly! Cummerbund and pouches: http://forum.bikersc...?showtopic=5086 The boots: http://forum.bikersc...?showtopic=4951 Thank you Marcel, you're the best!
  15. The pistol kit arrived from Australia today! It's from Niko, you can check it out here: http://forum.bikersc...?showtopic=5935 and here: http://forum.bikersc...topic=5678&st=0
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