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501st Legion (RET)
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About pleasum

  • Birthday 02/20/1967

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    San Diego
  • Interests
    I am a musician, comics, sci-fi, reading

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  • 501st Garrison
    Imperial Sands Garrison
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  1. You guys are great! I appreciate all the feedback. I do think the vinyl may be part of the problem. Guess I have to hunt for some new stuff and assemble some boots. In the meantime, I have some tinkering to do with velcro and such. I appreciate all the great suggestions. I did put a strap on the inside, but I may have to tweak that a bit it seems. Thanks guys!! - Paul
  2. Hey guys, I built a strap into the top of my holster / boot, but still get sag. I am thinking about installing a rigid item in there like a plastic ruler. Has anyone tried this? Are there any best ways to do it? Any advice would be great! Did my first troop last weekend and have a parade coming up next. I'm trying to avoid the sag syndrome!! Take care and thanks. - Paul
  3. I have a KS bucket. Got it almost exactly a year ago. A couple things; Not sure if anyone else has had this, but the ABS almost has a slight pink tint to it under certain light, and as the bucket has aged the visor is a bit different shade than the rest of the bucket. This wasn't something I noticed early on so I am given to believe it's because the bucket has aged? Also, I would suggest assembling it yourself if you buy one. The bucket is nice but when you look at the assembly, all kinds of issues come up. The trim job on the visor wasn't so hot, and when looking straight on at the bucket, the visor bolts are different heights. Also, there can be a tendency for the visor to show a gab between it and the actual faceplate. I was able to fix this on mine as it wasn't too bad. These are things that aren't noticeable if you aren't looking for them, but once you notice them, it's kind of bothersome. Overall, I like mine. It is durable and light and looks good however I am going to need to tweak it a bit later on, ie. a paint job, all the things this thread talks about, and maybe a bit of cleanup on the trim. Just a few thoughts guys. - Paul
  4. I got some strips from Trooperbay and it was great. My armor supplier also sent me some scrap. All it took was an email. The Trooperbay stuff is perfectly flat and white. It matched very nicely.
  5. The clips for the T-det I got from SC are aluminum. I used the Mikita clips ala Lonewolf, but my SC clips are aluminum. I may at some point alter them and put them to use.
  6. This is really a great build man!
  7. Thanks guys! I have also found it pays to have a good tailor for the things I can't do myself. The fabric my bund is made (a sort of white denim cotton) of isn't as easy to get as I thought it would be. She was able to "borrow" some from my bund for the shoulder bridge fabric. Funny how we have to learn as we go with so much of this. Studying this forum has been huge and you guys have all been a great help during my build. I am almost done. Just the holster on the boot and the belt and that's it! Thanks for all the feedback guys. -Paul
  8. Did the tea for my belt strapping. Matches the pouches great! They were just a bit dark at first but I ran the strap under water for a bit and it lightened up real nice.
  9. I am at the point in my build where it's just details now. Can you guys suggest a specific type of fabric for the shoulder "gaps" on the top of the shoulders? I know it has to be white cotton, but...... Any help is really appreciated!! Paul
  10. Who actually makes that helmet? Like what you did there man!
  11. You guys are awesome! Thanks so much. Marcel, it's funny because my 17 year old son who is working on a TK suggested that same thing. I guess he's smarter than the old man! LOL! Thanks for the help all!!
  12. I have off white pouches. The lancer spec states I need off white webbing on the drop boxes and off white 2" elastic for the chest and back. Anyone have any info on where to get the off white stuff??
  13. Thanks you guys. For now I just went with 1-1 /2. I did not widen the slots cut into my armor to accommodate for this but it seems to be okay for now. To me it's not as clean looking because there is some bunching but I'm hoping it will be OK. It's better than if there was a small gap in the slots because I used a smaller size. I like the suspenders idea.
  14. Hey everyone, The Lancer spec calls for 1 3/8 elastic strapping on some of the arm armor pieces. I have had zero success finding that including Joann's and searches on Google. I have SC armor and the slots are clearly made to accept that size. Any ideas? I was told 1 3/8 isn't made and that trimming 1 1/2 down makes it unravel. Thanks - Paul
  15. I just got mine yesterday and am absolutely thrilled with it. The detail is amazing and it's solid! This is a must have for the troopers out there! Thanks for these amazing blasters Duff, you truly are a talented guy!
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