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About Dare

  • Birthday 05/14/1989

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    I'll give it if you ask for it.

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    Wakefield, West Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Star Wars - duh, table top games, archaeology, palaeontology, video games, role play games.

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  1. Ahh, fair one. Will do mate.
  2. After a lot of consideration and deep soul searching, it's silly to pursue a helmet when I could get the armour, and the helmet (even if I paid extra for the helmet to be premade) for cheaper. Sure it'd be awesome to have a proper screen accurate close as can be helmet. But it'd be a fancy thing gathering dust on my mantelpiece because I'd be frightened to take it out to get roughed up by you lot. Can you imagine how much of a hipster I'd sound at cons anyway? "Oh, hey, be careful of my helmet it's an eFX limited edition it cost more than your entire costume put together." Nah, that's not me and that's not the scout I wanna be. Consider me convinced. I don't think that a question about my armour from the UKG chief armourer is an odd question, but I think I'm going to get SC. I chatted a while back with Marcel and he said SC or KS would be best for me, but I hear (and see) great reviews of the SC armour in terms of accuracy. I haven't thought about the helmet in so long that I kinda need a refresher on which is the best, but I'm sure I can dig that up myself and stop wasting everyone else's time. But thank you for your input, all of you, it's kind of a relief in a way because now I'm not in a rush and I can secure a huge chunk of my kit for the same (if not cheaper) price. You're all right of course, I got too fixated on the helmet and lost sight of the bigger picture which is trooping in my armour and being a proper scout. Not exactly filling the role of outdoor survivalists if I'm scared of bumping my helmet on a twig eh? Haha. Sound advice, sound counselling. Can't thank you guys enough, seriously. PS. I may have to make a new topic in the helmet area to ask about getting a premade helmet. I'm inept at making things if I lack the confidence. I'd be fretting over making one little mistake and ruining my stuff. Though depending on which helmet I get that might not be an option and I'd still have to make my armour myself so I should just nut up and get on with it.
  3. Money isn't an issue. But I suppose you have a fair point there. I have other bits, got my soft bits, boots (thanks Marcel), gloves and pistol. I'll widen my scope a little, look around at the broader picture some more and see where that leads me. Still up for debate though. But so far nobody is suggesting I get the eFX lid so I can't argue with that.
  4. Accuracy and beauty. It's a gorgeous thing. I saw it ages ago when they first started displaying it at cons and I fell in love with it. Idolised it since as the helmet I wanted for my kit.
  5. It seems i might be able to secure a limited edition one from a reputable supplier here, might being the operative word. But it'll cost more for that than it will for the Legend edition (depending on shipping rates). So i guess that makes a new option available but it's not 100% dependable or ideal. But you have given me a lot to think about Phil, whether i'd want to take it trooping is a big question. I could always buy my dream helmet and get another backup one for trooping? Or just take extra care and run away from all the dirty work and (despite the odds) try to keep from getting bumped around on my lid. Hmmm.
  6. I'm in a little dilemma. The one thing I've been waiting and saving my money for , the eFX scout helmet, sold out in the short space of time that I stopped checking up on it every three seconds. (I really didn't expect it to come out when it did and I've done my best to keep my finger on the pulse.) Well, the one I wanted has, the plain one without battle damage. So now I'm unsure how to proceed, I have a few options available to me but the one thing I'm certain about is that I want my helmet from eFX. I decided to pop this post up to see what suggestions and/or opinions you guys might have on what the best course of action is. Option 1 is my least favourite option, and the one I'd prefer to avoid. Basically it entails waiting and hoping for someone to sell their eFX on. Not much hope of that happening and it'd just cost me more anyway if they do I guess due to limited edition. Options 2 and 3 are similar and rely on me proceeding to purchase the legend edition. But where they differ is what I do once I have that. So: Option 2 would be to purchase the legend edition and then battle damage my armour to match. I also do have a pistol already but I'd keep the eFX pistol and sell my other one on hopefully since it's not a bad pistol. However, the drawback to this is that I never wanted to be a battle damaged scout, I wanted to go for the clean rookie look y'know? But at the end of the day that's just pedantic and I don't really mind so long as I end up a scout. I am curious as to the rules regarding lancer and battle damage, so that would influence my choice greatly because I'm aiming for lancer in the long run. (Edit: I checked the rules on lancer again, I assume what I call battle damage is weathering. Which is acceptable so long as it's not overdone. So really I'm asking if that helmet is over-weathered. I'd hope not, 'cause it's meant to be the best replica out there.) Option 3 would yield my preferred result, but I'm not sure if it would be the sensible thing to do. It would basically involve getting the eFX legend edition and then having it professionally resprayed to match the shiny white armour. Unfortunately this would no doubt tarnish the product itself and might not match whatever armour I get perfectly. Indeed, it might not even be possible to do it depending on what state the helmet comes in. So, that's about it. Any comments or advice would be incredibly helpful. (Aside from ones that call me silly for missing what I wanted in the first place ) Look forward to hearing from you guys~! Thanks in advance. PS. I find myself with limited time to make this choice, so whatever I do I need to do it quick. Link provided just in case you guys want to know what it looks like. http://www.efxcollec...ll-payment.aspx
  7. I read that Scouts tend to have issues with discipline and are generally ill-behaved with terrible attitudes. I honestly think that shiny-shiny decorum wouldn't fit their aesthetic one bit. I know they stick out like a sore thumb but polishing everything would only make that worse, right? But then again I guess it'd be down to the individual troopers, everyone differs right? Plus when you're out on deployment who's gonna be breathing down your neck and telling you to shine your visor? I'm just sayin' is all. I'm not gonna weather my armour, going for the polished up rookie look. But I can appreciate the rugged appearance of some weathered stuff. But I definitely agree with everyone else on that pauldron and the visor. And if I spent a lot of money on something the last thing I'd wanna do is crack it.
  8. Really hope that blaster I found on ebay is the right spec! Could have found a real diamond.

  9. Great stuff! I've already sent them an email requesting information and referencing this group and Lee's directions. So I'm just waiting on the reply to move from there. I'll probably get a made to measure one I suppose. Not like I need it super quick, I've only just started down the road so it can take its time in getting to me. Thanks to the both of you for the swift feedback!
  10. Hey guys. First of all major thanks Lee for posting all this up and being so helpful! Second: I was just wondering if this suit (when modified of course) would meet Lancer standards? I know I'm new here and it may seem a little silly but I'm just gonna go for doing the best I can and meeting the highest standards right away if at all possible. I did check the lancer stipulations about jumpsuits but it seems pretty easygoing on that and this seems just the ticket. Hope I asked this in the right place, thanks again for all your help.
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