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Varkyn last won the day on November 5 2012

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About Varkyn

  • Birthday 03/26/1994

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    I enjoy graphic design, gaming,making peoples day and something called star wars ever hear of it?

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  1. I asked this myself if you mean using the suit as is no its not but you can modify it but i recomend to keep looking there are many undersuit options
  2. since you are not 18 im pretty sure the rubies helmet will do you just fine and i would suggest modifying it anyway just so you can get an idea of what you are doing when you do eventually start making your TB it is good to start somewhere rather then nowhere.
  3. would you be able to find where you read about the pattern for the T-shirt? and thanks Barry
  4. so how would i go about getting a flak vest this is one of the things i haven't figured out yet for my costume. i know some people make these but i only know of one. also is there a tutorial on how to make your own? and as always happy speeding
  5. And you have no problem with your shoulders? It seems with only that much velcro they would wobble around. Also thanks for the picture!
  6. Thanks a bunch rob i might try this method when i get my armor and patrik i would indeed like to see a picture it seems almost everyone has a different way of putting together their armor.
  7. could i see a picture of this setup please? yours sounds better then just attaching the T strap to the shoulder via the velcro.
  8. i will thanks for the help
  9. thanks a bunch ill be sure to ask for help when i put something together that looks like a jigsaw puzzle
  10. the boots was the actually the other %10 i was talking about. and i have been doing a lot of digging i rather know what i'm doing then saying " well see how its goes" and also thanks a lot for the advice helps a lot!
  11. hey everyone just wanted to know where i can get started on my TB i have zero experience making a costume i don't know if its frowned upon to buy your most of the stuff but if i lack the skill to make a good %90 of the stuff. That being said i hope i do not offend anyone who makes their own armor and gear if i could i would. so any help anyone can give me as starting point would be great and i would like to thank everyone in advance and happy speeding
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