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501st Pathfinder
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About TK3100

  • Birthday 09/23/1969

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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Shoretrooper: Captain

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  1. I was just going to point you to these Rob. Looking forward to helping you.
  2. This is AWESOME! Thank you!
  3. Nice work! I have Jim's armor too and one of the trickiest things was shaping the straps. They are very rigid and unforgiving. What glue are you using to fix these and the buckles?
  4. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?app=gallery&image=2996
  5. I am working out the details on this too. Best spot thus far was the butt.
  6. This is fantastic. I finally got a set of LED's set up after all this time.
  7. Very cool! I didnt have the heart to do mine with anything permanent. I wore them with dress casual to break them in and everyone complimented me on the style. Now I am a clean ST.
  8. I thought I posted this originally before Celebration but maybe it wasn't in this forum. I had the same issue. Filed a claim and got my money back. Incidentally, the Lifestyle & Heritage Company forgot me so I wasnt that happy with their customer service either. Finally got Orca Bay's and they are definitely worth it.
  9. I used my old dissection kit. Worked so smooth and very quick.
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