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501st Pathfinder
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About Blick

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  1. I'm going to chime in here as I've been in a very similar situation. They accept our money, we have entered into a business transaction; at that point all deals of "I do this in my spare time" or "it's a hobby" are off the table. I will accept that things may come up, but when I ask for a specific time, I expect my product in a relativity close proximity to that specified time frame that you gave. I will also not accept a second rate product as I have paid for top notch. An excuse of "I do this as a hobby, it's not my real job" will not be accepted as see: Business transaction.
  2. JS - I don't seem to be able to see the images. Where did you get them (so I can grab a look see)
  3. I picked up the spec ops head - gator. It's basically a tube that you can make ninja masks and the like out of. Really light, I intend to wear it more as a hood, I've noticed that when someone wears glasses with a balaclava they fog up. LoL
  4. Jim, can you shoot it to me also? Thanks
  5. you and I are on the same page there :-)
  6. Chris - those look solid, (I picked up a pair last week - waiting on them to show) how do they fit out of the box is my question? Big break in period ahead or good to go?
  7. My email to SA: Question, do you still make the Biker Scout gloves? If so how long would they take to make a set, and how much? His Response: I'm sorry but our former manufacturer changed ownership and no longer met our quality requirements. We're auditioning new shops but none have met my standards so far. We're still trying. My question now is, where will we go for gloves, that don't require heavy modding?
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