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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mattcamaro

  1. Please explain where exactly u want the pockets and what exactly needs to be changed about the vest. Spent too much money and too much time to be guessing and find out there is something wrong after the modification. Also anything online that need modified while we are doing this?
  2. Ok I was told to move them out. I will move them back in for the next set of pics
  3. Ok I confused now by command pockets. One person said they were to close to the lines and now as I read another's I take it they have said they were not close enough. The neck line of the flak vest : I was told it needs to be near the shoulder bells does that mean you want it under the bridge of the chest and back plates. And if I can ask where is that in the CRL? Please help. I don't understand
  4. Ok any thing else. I have one day until she leave for school so is that all? Trying to get this done with out wasting everyone's time and with out having a long delay before her next break. Possible in the summer Will make those corrections and take new ones before she leaves. Thanks
  5. Meryy Christmas! New pics added with modified riding suit, to remove the baggy look. Hope that works
  6. Armor/helmet/td is SC (TD was extended in middle for length) Blaster was modified by TB-11169 Chincup by LW Balaclava trooperbay boots by TB-11169 Bund/cod and and second set of smaller scaled sizes pockets by TB-11169 and wife. Again additional photos added by me since they are in my account.
  7. Additional pic added with adjustments from Marcels recommendation. Adjested entire outer seem to take any baggy look out of suit. Adjusted and tightned neck closure. Thanks for you feed back. Thanks to Jim Griffin-X for your help , review and recommendations. I addtionally moved my pockets outboard a bit and check my shoulders were within 2incheches of my bridges. Armor is KS (with execptions) TD is SC with an middle extention to lengthen it Tank topper and t-bits from DonJar T-bit modified to create mirror image blaster is Polymer.Ar... helmet from SWP (my first bucket didnt go to gether well from KS) Love the detail on this one snout is SC Suit and vest also made from SWP ( I think the first ones he made seperately) Chin cup is LoneWolfs Gloves from Sith ar..r (e-bay) balaclava from trooperbay Bund,cod and pockets made my my wife with some help from me Boots I made Blaster holster is SC
  8. Thanks again Griffin-X !!!!
  9. These are all pics of Wendy TB11170 They were in my photobucket account that is why I had to post them Big thanks to Jim (Griffin-X) for the tutorial on posting pics from photobucket!
  10. TB11169 pics http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=51 Hope all is in order
  11. New pictures taken and put in photobucket.
  12. If CUCBLACK is SWProps/ (Agustin) then yes. I just assume from reading other threads. I will take a picture tomarrow . Some foam strips and a TPL (thermal Plastic Liner)from a flight helmet I
  13. As far as the bicept piece I can assume you are referring to my daughters since she is the smaller scout in the pics?
  14. Thanks for the inputs my armor is KS I goofed my ks helmet. Bought a fiber glass one Guessing one of CUCBLACKs. I finished it Love the detail in Have t bits tank topper and td greeblies from Don Jarr. Yes i didodift the t-bits so they are opposites. And both side will face forward. Didnt think about it for pictures. Decal on bucket and visor from trooper bay. I extended the length of both TD from SC. Made clips to hold them on. Not as awesome as panda troopers. But used his tutorial. A lot. Asked Lone Wolf a bunch of questions and got my chin cups from him. My wife and I did what we could by looking thru the thread here and going from there. May work on my ks helmet someday but. Iir had fit issues. I figured I wasn't going to be able to save it but could save my frustration Lol. Everyone here made it look so easy. But thank to all for the info
  15. http://s1281.beta.photobucket.com/user/darling6963/library/ Finally finished my suit. Wanted to see what everyone thinks
  16. Thanks. I had some help SC armor, SWP made the flak vest and the riding suit(seperate pieces) my wife and I made the bund, pockets and boots. I modified the blaster to be the correct size
  17. Thanks for your views and comments.
  18. Everyone thought it was awesome. Of course the principal caught her wanted to know why she was wearing it and who she was. So she took off the bucket and told him her last day as a senior. He left her alone. She is a member here. Waiting a couple weeks to turn 18 to be in the 501st. I am hoping her suit passes for lancer. I'm pretty much waiting on a new bucket I goofed my first one
  19. http://s1281.beta.photobucket.com/user/darling6963/library/ Finish her suit last night So she could wear it to her last day of school today
  20. Thanks John. You are the man
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