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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mattcamaro

  1. Congrats And welcome
  2. Congrats and welcome
  3. Congrats, and welcome to the Lancers!
  4. Congrats and welcome to the Lancers!
  5. Congrats. Welcome to the Lancers
  6. The round clear items are the screw covers for the visor ( what should be the grey 3m bolts). I bought the 3m bolts and put in my bucket and never used the clear round things that came in the kit
  7. I painted my snout (didnt use the stickers for it) also made a back plate for for snout greeblie. I took a SC snout greeblie apart for the detail pieces since the CB snout is a bit bigger. I like the the bucket.
  8. Yup I have the same bucket. I like it I have to raise my face plate to get mine on. Cool they come with chin cups now
  9. I had to have my neck widened It was a bit right for Lancer. Guess it all depends on the measurement that are given and how it finally fits the wearer. I like my suit and flak vest . Just need a little modification.
  10. Thank you what a great feeling and honor
  11. Thank you all so much for all your help
  12. Great. Hoping all is good. Looking forward to your reply Thanks
  13. Thanks for the help with Wendy's submission. Moved my drop boxes out . Hopefully all is in order with mine now.
  14. Here are my corrections pockets back towards the stitches. Belt closer to pockets vest neck wider of course you should be able to see the silver rivets. Hope all is in order now. Thanks
  15. Thanks for the help I put my pocket back where I had them cheers!
  16. Ok thanks. Any word on mine
  17. Ok will put them pack in towards the stitch lines
  18. Pics of my rivots silver not white now. made them due to the comments on Wendy's pics (TB11170) Thanks
  19. Sorry some of the pics are blurry. But as you can see the stitching on the cod is on the inside not out side anywhere. I redid the pieces of the belt to make them tighter. Rivots are Silver now on the belt( both hers and mine). Blaster has been modified so only one bracket. vest neck line modified. rear drop box straps repositioned to be under tubes. pockets re-adjusted again like we originally had to be closer in towards the bund stitch lines. how is that for a days work . hoping all is well now, she will be off to college in the morning. Thanks vr Matt
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