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blitz1027 last won the day on June 26 2013

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About blitz1027

  • Birthday 10/27/1985

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    Bast Alpha
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  1. Greetings all. Thought I'd share this for all pathfinders who might be interested in a variant to the standard scout trooper. Melee focused scouts with some sort of harness and a large canister on their back
  2. It's all good. I've got another costume I'm working on right now anyway but as soon as it's done I'd love to start on one of these. Your costume looks amazing.
  3. That is so awesome looking. Guess I better start saving my money
  4. Awesome, thanks.
  5. Hey, all. Been absent for a while. I was looking at the CRLs and noticed there is now one for a white variant of the Kashyyyk trooper. I've been scouring the internet but can't find any pics of these guys. Has anyone built one of these or have some reference pics for this trooper?
  6. Okay thanks. I have been talking to Jeff over at SC and I'm 99% sure that I'm going to go with the SC kit. I will probably go with basic approval for a while but upgrade it later to meet lancer status. Thanks so much guys for all your help in regards to which kit to get.
  7. Okay after many stupid questions about the KS armor and helmet I would like to ask a couple stupid SC questions. I know a lot of you swear by SC and that their gear is great. What I want to know is if and when I order my armor what would have to be done to make it lancer approvable should I decide to go that route?
  8. Okay. Had me worried for a moment there shout I was gonna have to learn to reshape plastic to get approved.
  9. So would those have to be changed for basic approval or is that just for lancer?
  10. Thanks Landeaux. I'm really starting to lean towards SC. So that's the way I will probably go.
  11. Thanks. The more I look the more I'm starting to lean SC. Let me ask you guys this, how does the back hump connect to the back armor on the SC kit?
  12. Yeah after looking at the two I can see some differences. The part that worries me the most about building it myself is the chest/back armor and hump. I'm reasonably sure I could put the rest together.
  13. Okay so the SC kit will fit someone between 5'6" and 6'3". What body size will the KS fit?
  14. Alright thanks guys.
  15. Okay I'm 5'9" and weigh around 185lbs. In you're opinion which one will fit me better?
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