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501st Legion (RET)
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About scoutjockie

  • Birthday 01/23/1977

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501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Redback Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Thank you so much Marcel, for clarifying this for me. cheers Scoutjockie TB-23177
  2. OH... ok I will contact 4505Marcel who is the one who made them for me. cheers scoutjockie
  3. Hello everyone I have a question for you all, are these boots lancer spec? My garrison are wanting to know. Cheers Scoutjockie
  4. Hi everyone, ok so these are not my approval pics but my TB is finished, will up load my approval pics later in the week. some of the pics are from a local pop culture festival, which had a parade that the 501st were leading, Which I got to be part of, hope I did them proud.
  5. thanks for the kind words guys, haha and yes it does appear that the pouches were on the wrong sides the only thing left for me to do ( i think ) before approval pics is to paint the white circle thing'y on the tank topper. went to a local pop culture event on the weekend and got a few more pics and was able to join in on the cosplay parade that the 501st were leading and got my face in the local newspaper haha not bad for a non 501st member but i hope i did you guys and girls proud thanks for having me. that me on the right by the way
  6. ok so its been a while since I've been here but sometimes life gets in the way of having fun I think im almost done but before i submit my TB for approval I thought i had better ask the experts if they think everything is looking good to go... so here we go sorry the photos are not that fantastic but tomorrow i will be at supernova and I'll hope to get some better ones there.
  7. Ok so i think Ive finished my Bucket? I do have a question though, is it better to make cut out above the snout rather than using the stickers?
  8. Ok so ive put the TD greeblie the right way around, silly me.
  9. Oh great, that means mine is wrong too, bugger never mind I just have to change it. Thanks guys.
  10. Haha, how did that happen? no worries I will put it around the other way, cheers.
  11. Hump and back plate sanded and painted
  12. Ok so Ive done a bit more of the armour with the help of the other half. so far so good.
  13. Slowly getting there.
  14. No I haven't I didnt think it needed to be glued, seems to sit fine.
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