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Bonded Hawk

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About Bonded Hawk

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  1. Truthful not sure yet
  2. thanks for the reply. The kit seems fairly straightforward til the boot armor. Walt posted that he plans to release build videos.
  3. After looking around for other builds I'm discovering that they are mostly printed or fiberglass. Is there any other vacuum forming builds? I'm always afraid that I will cut off a return edge (like I did on my sandy) that I may need.
  4. Hi. My wife recently picked up a Walts kit from a friend that we (me) will be working on for her.There is not much to show at this time, mainly just a box of plastic and a resin helmet kit (I think he said from a Russian vendor). I will be digging around for build threads for a bit. that's it for now Steve Hoke Bonded Hawk 77340
  5. Just picked up the clear coat. Thanks guys
  6. Thanks I will give it a try
  7. I have followed several build threads and did a quick search. I have painted the two tone soles of the boots. 24 hrs later the top layer is still tacky. I used the fusion satin khaki and a pair of payless boots. What can I do, or will it further dry over time.
  8. Is the patch, elastic strap and boot height correct? Looking at shots of black on black the details wash out.
  9. Chef that pic needs to be pinned
  10. I will try and get more pics tomorrow. Thanks
  11. Before I go any further do I need to make the boot tops taller? http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww232/bondedhawk/20140416_174515.jpg Steve
  12. I'm back to working on my wife's scout. I picked up a small set of SA gloves a while back, but they are too big. Is there a smaller one out there, or should I try to mod the gloves like others have done?
  13. Small town. I'll have to go to the lumberyard, bailbond, and taco house.
  14. Had to go out of town but I brought the faceplate to work on. Of course I left all files, sandpaper, and dremmel at home.
  15. I didnt mean visor. Sorry, working graveyards and was woke up 4 hrs early. I know better . I mean the eye opening in the face piece, not the visor. BH
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