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Merquise XIII

501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Merquise XIII

  1. Good afternoon, For Alpine Garrison, we need to update the main contact. I have recently modified my scout to General Weir with the Spec Ops, and thus my scout is retired. My replacement for Alpine Garrison's ART team is Jake Putnam (jakeputt) Thanks for the fun all.
  2. PM sent to XO. Alpine Garrison has formed our ART. Name: 45th Wasatch Recon Team Leader: Myself (TJ O'Brien TB99000) FB page has been formed.
  3. Yeah, replacement parts is lower on the list due to budget, but definitely on the list. Thanks for the pointer on drilling the hole. I'll grab some abs and get that strengthened up. Thanks.
  4. So i have a SC belt, so i assume it's ABS. On the belt next to where i combined 2 pieces, stress cracks have formed on both the top and bottom. I am looking to see the best way to repair/strengthen this area so the cracks wont further open, or snap the whole piece. My thoughts are to a) glue a small backing of ABS or sintra to the back of the belt, so as to give it strength, use glue to fill in the crack from the front, and then do my best to cover the crack with maybe fix it plastic weld. But i am open to suggestions from those that may already have experienced this issue.
  5. Thanks, one of our other members is gonna work on it tonight. Dont know what he's gonna do to it.
  6. Agreed. I asked him to take a couple pics if he can before work today. Hopefully we can come up with something. The other option is he can order the back portion from SC. But it definitely wont be here for the con or approvals.
  7. I have one, unfortunately its not a close up. Hopefully he'll post a close up. We have an armor party tonight and i'll get a good look then.
  8. Got mine. too bad theres not a "summer edition" without a liner. I'm so tempted to buy a second pair and tear it out so i'm not sweating pools out of my gloves.
  9. Thanks, the save link as threw me off.
  10. Okay, so am i able to just download from the directory, or does someone need to send me the MP3? If its download, i'm a moron and need guidance how to download. If email, can someone send me the file plz? Thx
  11. Thanks Jim. Hopefully should hear from GML today or tomorrow
  12. Well, it came back that i needed to change the stripes on the back of the helmet (no short stripes), move the boxes back,(easily done), and then the pouches needed to be on the edge of the rib and higher towards thearmor. Just redid everything and resubmitted pics. Not going to upload here, theyre on my blog empirialmotorcyclescout.blogspot.com Here's hoping!
  13. Mark, thanks for the feedback. i'll take a look at the boxes and see where i need to do the adjustments at. Kinda hard adjusting something when you cant see it while wearing Also noted the cumberbund, i didnt know which direction it should go, and 501st site didnt specify like the vest did, so we'll see if it passes. I'll make it more screen accurate in the future. And the gloves are the B****. We tried had making them yesterday, and no such luck. Fortunately my motorcycle gloves are close(unfortunately i now have to buy new gloves before winter). We added the V pattern and the suede patches after these pics were taken and updated pics were sent to GML. Also took apart all the extra pieces that would hold it back (straps, logos, etc). Lets hope they pass them, really want to troop an event this saturday.
  14. I just noticed that the shoulder bells were low in the pic. Readjusting (unfortunately my wife didnt see them when we took the pic.)
  15. Okay, we finished everything up (except gloves, we are currently working on those but wanted to get the rest up for judging.) Please let me know if there's anything you think will keep it from passing. I'm looking to just pass right now, and then go back and start working and improving for pathfinder.
  16. Yeah, it started lifting a bit in one spot. got it glued down after i took the pic. Definitely going to notch the souls. Might not be until after i get approvals done, since its not required, but it will be done.
  17. Okay, let the constructive criticism commence. I probably should have gotten it before i riveted my holster on.... Larger images at http://empirialmotorcyclescout.blogspot.com/
  18. Hey everyone, i hopefully finished my detonator box and belt done today. Wanted everyones opinion . (yeah belt is slightly crooked, when i took the pic. Some slight adjustments still needed for boxes length.
  19. Yeah, i'll be adding velcro for both the bells and the chest/cumberbund. Unfortunately i dont have my full armor in yet and my test subject hasnt shown for his fitting yet, so mods still needed. But thanks for the comments. Good to know i'm on the right track.
  20. Okay, my wife just finished the vest here. Please let me know your thoughts. Granted i dont have the full armor yet, but we did this one for a fellow in my garrison. Meeting up with him later this week to make sure it fits right and sits where it should. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cqE7h-g10_I/UT53oD0f6CI/AAAAAAAAAOs/WnEEMA2ZVUI/s320/SD531736.JPG http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8hiTp517jAE/UT53oOl9kaI/AAAAAAAAAOw/zuP3m-gvKyM/s320/SD531735.JPG
  21. Yeah, i figured they were cheap and crappy. But always worth a second opinion. These gloves are gonna be the death of me.
  22. Just ran across these. http://www.evolutiontoys.com.ar/index.php?id=item&item=469 These close? passable? Opinions? Insults?
  23. Hey everyone. Searching for gloves right now and came across these Olympias and wanted to know your opinion. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/14/67/903/686/ITEM/Olympia-Sports-4150-Gore-Tex-All-Season-Gloves.aspx I know modding is needed, but was wondering to be 501st approved, how accurate do we have to get? All the 501st says is Black leather and gauntlet length. Detailed gloves that include- Black suede or faux suede patches on top of the middle finger, index finger, and thumb. Four tightly spaced ribs that span the knuckles. [*]There are no labels/logos, clips, or external straps.
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