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501st Legion (RET)
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HooliganScout last won the day on July 16 2012

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About HooliganScout

  • Birthday 03/16/1978

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Carida
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I got to compare these to an original Espirt Pair this past weekend. Me and my fellow scout friend could only find 2 differences 1. On the originals the gauntlet overlaps with the hand piece at the stitching....on the sitharmor gloves the hand piece over laps the gauntlets at the stitching. 2. The stitching lines on the on the palm side by the thumb is evenly spaced on the sitharmor gloves while on the originals the stitching lines widen from each other. As I type this I realize I should have taken pictures Such minor differences that my friend and I did not notice it until we really started looking for differences. I 100% approve of the sitharmor gloves BTW. This was in no way strike against them. Just a neat FYI
  2. For weathering I just used light blasts of flat black spray paint as that is what was used in the movie. Before weathering check out screen caps as the scouts in the movie were weathered but not dirty. To get rid of the "super speckling" effect from spray paint I moved a piece of door screen through the spray paint mist as I was spraying. The screening helps to further break up any speckling. BTW: armor looks nice! just make sure you hike you belt up a little as there is a bit of a black gap between your cummerbund and belt.
  3. Thanks! Been a long time coming. I appreciate you guys pushing me to have the best scout I can!
  4. Thanks...means a lot! Excited to be so close to getting Lancer. It has been 4 years in the making. Tried a while back and glad to be headed to the finish. Just let me know if there is anything else I need.
  5. Sorry if that last post came across the wrong way. Got some bad personal news today...did not mean to take it out on you guys. Sorry. Okay so I attempted to wet sand the gloss off the snout. Let me know if this is any better. Also here are pics of the greeblies. I am still waiting on the blaster to dry. Thanks for pushing me to have the best scout I can. It is worth the work.
  6. I resprayed the greeblies and the blaster. What part of the snout needs repainted? If it is the whole snout area than I will have to repaint the whole helmet. If it is supposed to be a matte finish than I wish the Lancer requirements had stated such. Perhaps that should be amended. Sorry...not trying to be rude.
  7. Finished the neck strap and the corners are rounded off...let me know if you want pics. I can always round them off more. I think I used the edge of a quarter to mark the rounded corners.
  8. I plan on doing the strap today. I finished dying some duck cloth to match to the suit. Just gotta sew it up and attach it.
  9. Boots....Now with new and improved solid color soles!
  10. Boots painted to match the main sole. Working on a neck "strap" to hold the collar closed....just having trouble finding fabric that matches the same color black.
  11. Okay....I will get that done today. Thanks!
  12. Just to be clear....I just need to paint the soles is that correct? Is there a specific color I should use? Do I need to velcro or a tab on the collar because It stays up really well?
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