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Rainfly last won the day on August 10 2014

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About Rainfly

  • Birthday 03/31/1992

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    New York

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  1. I had the exact same problem and I just put washers between the visor and the rest of the helmet to push it out. Beyond that, I am not sure. Id like to know if others had this problem and were able to fix it.
  2. I think I read somewhere that you can soak the white straps in tea to give them the off white look.
  3. Thanks guys, I'll carefully try this once I'm home
  4. I'm (finally) back in a situation where I can continue work on my armor and something that has bothered me about my whole set was the gloves. I picked up a pair of the gloves that went up recently (think they were the sitharmor ones) and they look super legit but the wrist?/hilt?/backend of the glove always flares out and makes them look a bit doofy. I want to take them in a bit but I am concerned about ruining these fine looking gloves. Should I not even bother? Are they good as they are? I'll post pictures when I'm home. Also, I find that I have the dexterity of a whale when I wear them, they are a proper size but the fingers are so chunky I can't even grip my zipper. Any tips to "shrink" them to a more nimble form?
  5. Inspirational words Chef! Thank you. I really do want to perfect this armor, it's just easy to get pumped to actually be in the 501st. So much respect to your attention to detail. Ill work on what you guys recommended and post pictures.
  6. Thank you all for the specific input. I will work on the boots this weekend. Do you think I could get away with just moving the pouches in a bit to avoid redoing the vertical stitches on the bund? Also, they are hanging outward from the bund; if I get those flushed against the bund they should look closer together. Objectively speaking, how far apart should the pouches be? I always read that it should be about one vertical bar off to the side. The 'thong' is indeed smaller than 2"; I didn't realize that had to be 2". Hopefully I can get the vest cropped up a bit this weekend too. Things to do: Fix boot velcro Swap out thong elastic Reposition various hardarmor Add one rank bar Pull in vest sleeves by ~inch Bring pouches in a bit Anything else?
  7. Enigma: I didn't want to add the rank stripes. Not until I get some troops in Terry: Pants are tight because 1. Like you pointed out, the boots are narrow at the top opening. 2. They have elastic feet bands and I am 6'3" and it pulls them tight. Would the boots be something to keep me from 501st?
  8. My lid is an SC and its really not too difficult to assemble without much skill. Lone wolf is easily the most accurate. From my own lurkings, short of a lone wolf, I would pick MonCal. But that is just me.
  9. A super special thanks to Jeff from Studio Creations who sent me an emergency bicep armor piece. Fire away everyone! After many months of toiling, I am as closed to finished as I think I can be.
  10. Looking good! I swapped out the belt material that SC provides with some white seatbelt material. It doesn't fray at all and its really sturdy. The plastic clamps on the back of the TD have not worked out well for me and I am looking to replace them with either money clips or maybe even a large strip of velcro. They slide off the belt really easily... particularly the belt webbing that comes with SC's kit.
  11. Thanks guys! You think any plexiglass will work?
  12. Thanks Lou, Yeah, that was my thought too. No matter how I attach it, it will be either warped or bubbly. I feel kinda ripped off. It doesn't say anywhere that its a film and to be honest, I wouldn't even consider calling it lens material. $9 I could have put towards a sealing iron. What would I search for? Motocross lens material?
  13. A couple weeks ago I found This on trooper bay. It is called "BikerScout Thin Tinted Mirrored Helmet Lens Material" I thought that this would be a fun piece to have and occasionally swap into my bucket at parties and such. As such I also figured it would be simply a mirrored version of the plexiglass-like green material that is in my bucket and I assume, the buckets of most other scouts. It turns out that it is just a rectangle of mirrored film. Like a plastic version of tissue paper. Can someone elaborate as to how I use this film? Do I have to glue it on to my current lens material? its completely nonadhesive on both sides. Alex
  14. I tried setting off a small single burst firecracker and it left a yellowish brown scorch mark. Not quite what I was looking for. It wiped away easily. If anyone is considering doing this. Its an unnecessary risk to your armor without good effect.
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