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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Benjamin

  1. Thanks for showing.... Iam interested in this costume, too. Looking forward to your Progress...
  2. Thank you for the Input.. :-)
  3. Iam looking to gather reference material regarding the high ex grenade the Shore-Trooper throws into the shuttle. Is it the Death trooper grenade? Any help is highly appreciated.
  4. Just approved CB-34934. Its good to be 41st Elite.
  5. And... I know about the problem with my straping. I forgot to cross them, so they started to move... I did some corrections during the time out... after that it was better.. .-) Its just for my cummerbund. Two elastics.
  6. I so totally love to troop as a TB... So much fun......
  7. I just got the info... I am approved, now known as TB 34934 Happy Scout I am... :-) :-)
  8. Alright everybody.... I actually did my pictures today... I have some points which could come up during the approval, lets wait for the reponse. .. and after the Bike-chase, the hard earned caf... I need to paint my bucket as I have some colour differences at the back-seam. I filled the seam with white acryl, but its actually more yellow-ish... need to paint it.
  9. I opened a topic in the correct forum...
  10. Hey, No I sold it.
  11. I did some progress on my bucket as well. I had a big point to handle... attaching the visor. But I found a easy way including a pair of snaps, some hotglue and a piece of elastic. Und mir ist ne recht einfache Art der Befestigung des Visors für den Helm eingefallen, da hatte ich noch Probleme mit, jetzt nicht mehr. Schnell austauschbar, hält gut und alles wird gut.. Works just finde, I think I will redo the connection with 2k Epoxy.
  12. I am trying to get my Scout reagdy for CE2, don`t know if it works... anyway, I managed to attach on the inside of the cummerbund some elastics, creating a pair of braces. Now the cummerbund sits where it needs to be. I also attached some velcro on the outside, and some on the inside of my armour. I Try to get some nice totalpics the next weekend.
  13. Thanks.... What would you so... paint the inside black? I am at the point where this decision needs to be made.
  14. Not just the bucket is coming together well, I am working on the boots as well.
  15. The KS helmet gives me the couple % of a bigger size I needed. No more problems with my glasses. I ordered the decals from trooperbay as well as another nose greeble. Should be OK, right?
  16. OK. After the first try I ordered a KS Helmet Kit. Arrived last week friday and I started to build it instantly. Here is what it looks like right now. I used the 3M Bolt kit available here in the market place.
  17. Puhhh.... glad to hear that. I was searching about this issue... Thanks.
  18. Thats actually a big problem for me. I have attached the tank with this rivet. It is barely long enough to fix the tank top to the tank to the fixture beneath it.
  19. Oh no.... the one i got was barely long enough... where to get longer rivets?
  20. Managed to finish the belt. Well, almost. Needs some tiny mods but I need to finish the jumpsuite first. Done for today....
  21. I fitted the armor and cut both sides equally. I also renewed the tank rivet. The belt is drying again... I go the snap route, for better handling. This is a quick shot with just the cummerbund and upper armor... I think it will fit.
  22. I started to work on my armor again. Beside of my helmet issues, I need to finish it anyway. As soon as my glue is dried, I show off some pics of my belt and torso armor.
  23. Specially regarding my helmet. I will make some tests with contacts.... we`ll see.
  24. Hey everybody. I placed this buil on hold until I found a solution about the sizing. But Thanks for these replies anyway. Ben
  25. I am interested in a future sale... maybe in 3-4 month.. So, I am aware of a possible higher price but you could possibly put me on the lower end of the list? Or I just come back to you when I am ready. I want the complete set.
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