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501st Legion Member
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t-bone last won the day on March 15 2014

t-bone had the most liked content!


5 Neutral

About t-bone

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  • Gender
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    Southern California

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Got my flight suit from Chunk this week! Also just received my boots from Marcel today! Thanks bro!
  2. Finished knees, biceps and TD with donjarr greeblies. Armor is all complete now. Time to start on soft parts!
  3. After about a 10 month wait I finally got my brown box! First cuts!: Progress: Making shoulder straps: Gluing snaps: Starting Belt: Belt and Chest armor done! Progress so far and a dirty mirror from my kids!
  4. I'd also like the link too pleeeease?
  5. Thanks guys! Hopefully will be starting some orders on a few other items soon!
  6. Hey everyone! Just starting a little thread for my TB build! I will add pictures as I recieve my soft parts and build my armor so I can ask you guys a million questions! So far I have: 3/7/2013 SA Gloves: Received 2/21/2013 UA HeatGear Balaclava: Received 2/29/2013 Hyperfirm Blaster: Received 3/7/2013 MC Armor: Received 10/7/2013 MLC V3 Helmet: Received 10/7/2013 Flight Suit: Received 1/16/2014 Boots: Received 1/30/2014 Cummerbund: In Progress Pouches: In Progress Vest: Need Got a shiny new Hyperfirm Blaster today! 3/7/2013 Just got my gloves today! 2/21/2013
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