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  1. If was not filled on the original RS own. There are only 7 vents on the inside too. Keith.
  2. Its the one that gets away from Han, then Chewbacca shoots him down. Keith.
  3. I don't think that is the case. The original RS scout helmet only has 7 vents on the inside also. Its not been filled, it was not there on the mold that made it (or it was filled in on the mold that made it). All i can think of is at some point during the production of the original helmets, the 8th/9th vents were filled in with something that didn't stay there. Keith.
  4. The RS Scout helmet is made from 2mm and 1.5mm ABS, just as the originals were. Mine are nice and strong and i've not even glued in any of the strips on the inside yet. Keith.
  5. Does anyone know how thick the black foam strip is on the forehead section of the headband inside the original prop store scout helmet? 10mm? Keith.
  6. Thats great. Please let me know. Keith.
  7. I want to finish this helmet, but I need some water slide decals. I don't want to get into trying to print my own, so was wondering if anyone here can make them? LW, do you plan on making water slide versions of your decals? Keith.
  8. Thank you. Pandatrooper, the decals that come with the kit are really nice, but i would like to have water slide decals for it with the clear film showing. Once the decals are fitted, i can finish the helmet off by weathering it. Keith.
  9. Just took some quick photos.... Keith.
  10. Thanks. I have done some work squaring off the visor a bit, making the top edge sharper. I have also fitted the strips over the seam inside the visor. The whole helmet is painted with tamiya fine surface primer now. Three cans at £7.99 each. Its a great primer though and sticks much better than the automotive stuff. Its almost time for a coat of white. I just need to get some rivets for the headband and finish trimming the chin cup. Keith.
  11. Thanks! I've finished work on the back of the helmet. I made the vents softer to match the original prop store helmet. The correct plastic bolts have been fitted. I bought these from the U.S. and with the $22 shipping charge, they ended up costing me more than the headband did. I am about to do any final trimming around the visor, fit the plastic strips inside the visor where the seam is and then it will be ready for primer. Keith.
  12. Thanks! The seam was to good to take filler so i used a dremel to make a groove for the filler to go in. I have finished adding the strips of plastic to the inside Keith.
  13. This is my Lonewolf Scout helmet. I've been working on this for quite a long time, as its a tricky helmet to build and even more tricky when trying to replicate a specific screen used helmet. This one is a replica of the prop store helmet. I have reworked the face around the lens area, thats why its in primer around there. The snout is just stuck there with blu-tack for the photos and the lens is just taped in with masking tape, thats why there is a bit of a gap around the lens. I have also rewoked the bottom of the tube around the back of the helmet, thats why there is primer there. The primer on the side of the visor is just to make sure there are no scratches in the plastic after i sanded away a slight ripple in the plastic. This Tamiya fine surface primer will show up any scratches that you just can't see on bare plastic. This is the join line of the helmet which has not had any filling at all. I really wanted to get it joined together as nice as i could. The helmet is made from quite thick plastic and the two halves were as strong as hell even before adding the strips to the inside. Here is the back showing the reworked area under the tube and the double inner vent to match the prop store helmet. This side of the face will be dropped down just a little when i fit the final plastic bolts that attach the visor/face to the back of the helmet. I've not added the inner joining strip of plastic to the visor yet. I still have some more strips to add to the inside. I have fitted and removed the correct headband. It came with the new bolts for the face which are not accurate, but i have a set of the correct grey plastic bolts on the way to me. Hope you like it! Thanks to Lonewolf for making such a fantastic replica of the Scout troooper helmet. Keith.
  14. Does anyone have anymore photos of the interior other than the ones in the gallery witht the tape measure in the shots? I need to see the inside of the lower rear of the helmet where the rear vents are. Thanks, Keith.
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