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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Goubatsu

  1. To the bin. It was early in the morning shhh!
  2. Basically you'll want to take most of the foam in the KS helmet. It's not the best and not very comfortable. I do suggest a chin strap however in conjunction with helmet padding.
  3. Basically that's why I think this is still one of the weirdest debates ever. But like EnigmaEngine said, only really matters for official troops, I just carry my DLT-19 round but it gets tiring having to explain why it isn't (and should be) on the CRL and such
  4. Theres at least two accounts in comics of scouts wielding DLT-19's(which i can post later for proof). So I wouldn't argue that they don't use them at all. To me, in my opinion, it's more accurate for people to use a dlt-19 (easier to source, and is actually on screen), instead of everyone making custom sniper rifles left right and center, that all look different to one another. Consistency basically.
  5. Guess nothing changed on the CRL with weapons then.. ?
  6. Waiting on an update on this still..
  7. TFU2 "e-11" sniper looks like a DLT-19 with a scope on it honestly in my opinon. That being said DLT-19 with a scope will also mean it'll be easier and more consistent snipers among scouts as well, instead of the current random snipers that everyone has scratch built that vary in size shape detail etc. So im all for DLT-19s really, that and its a true star wars weapon that at least was seen on screen. Thats my input and thoughts on the matter.
  8. Oh wowwies. Thats some damage.
  9. Yeah im gonna need to know how to do that as well..
  10. Good thing i've found about my KS is i can wear my glasses in them Dunno why you cant in your KS if the SC smaller..? Interesting...
  11. I think I'll leave it be and just replace the snout, covers and decals, then i'll be truly happy and comfortable with it! Thanks for the opinions guys. Appreciated.
  12. Dunno why they wouldn't be visible.. Hmm.. If they aren't to anyone else I'll re-upload..
  13. So i've been making upgrades here and there to my approved costume (already I know..), and i've been looking at my helmet and thinking it might be a bit too big for my size.. I am considering buying a SC helmet.. but what do you guys think? I am going to replace the snout decals and bolt covers soon but perhaps i should just buy a SC kit, anyway yeah. Too big or just right? I think its may just be the right size for my body but sometimes i think its too big.. OCD yknow?
  14. After a month of procrastination and life being the way it is me and my girlfriend have finally finished with the suede thighs and the buttflap! So all iv gotta do now is attach my holster to my boot... which hopefully I will not put off! Then i'll be sending my pictures off! Wish me luck!
  15. This worries me...
  16. Yeah, was going to make a bit of a (not too large, but noticiable enough) gap between the knee armour and where the suede patches end. That sounds about correct? I haven't seen many pictures to put it up against. If anyone has any they would be great!
  17. Been busy with all the Christmas shopping last and this week, but i recieved my Flak vest on thursday (at last!), need to make some adjustments too the sleeves as they are too long and limit my movement a lot! Pictures coming soon. Home stretch now. One question though, with the suede patches on the pants how far down should they sit/end?
  18. Agree. I've seen this guy floating around everywhere... i just don't understand the pauldron. OKAY on a TK, but anything else is just weird and out of place.
  19. I'll take them up a fair bit and take a picture on my day off which is this thursday
  20. So drop boxes up 1/2 a inch? Whats the general rule of thumb of where they should sit by the way? Are they the right height in the top/first picture, or still need to be higher? Because in the other 3 pictures they seem to have slipped down a lot as i havent secured them (properlly yet) as i wanted to find what height they should be before i do! I've taken a fair bit off the shoulders as is but i will take just a little bit more i think... I'll make these updates this week and upload some better pictures. Thanks for the tips
  21. Sigh me up for one of these bad boys! Looks great Marcel!
  22. I've been terribly lazy and so busy in the past 2 months with work and being in a new relationship, dog having puppies, etc, that my armour was neglected, and you guys, (sorry!) But 4 weeks ago i went into overdrive and finished it basically all off! Finished it about 2 weeks ago, havent had any time to post on here, Almost there though! Only taken me around 7-8 months? Waiting on my flak vest and then i'll be bolting my holster on and doing the suede on the thighs, otherwise I think its all good/clear to go! The first one is a bit of a old one, i will make sure to take more pictures of how iv done the belt and all the other parts as well individually since im so thin and had to make a few adjustments you'll see soon anyway.. Also bonus photo from a photoshoot this weekend in the rain forest, never felt more at home.. was an amazing feeling Glad to finally have it (almost! So close!) finished
  23. Well, not quiet, but just to make sure everything is a-okay so when my flak vest comes in i can finish it off and send my pictures off.. Finished it off about 2 weeks ago, havent had any time to post on here, was so busy trying to get this over and done with! Almost there though! Only taken me around 7-8 months? Waiting on my flak vest and then i'll be bolting my holster on and doing the suede on the thighs, otherwise I think its all good/clear to go? What do you guys think? Anything extra needed? Boxes up further? Anything to fix up? The first picture is just to show it all clearly.. iv since then actually put sticky velcro in my chest to attach my pouches properly so they sit nicer as you can see in the photos below that Also bonus photo's from a photoshoot this weekend in the rain forest, never felt more at home.. was an amazing feeling Glad to finally have it (almost! So close!) finished
  24. Quick update got my cummerbund and boots... and a quick two photo's of everything together. Also a question, my shoulder bells, well the one that is on properly, (my left side) do you think I need to trim anything off it? I know I need to round it off a bit but do you think it needs any trimming/need to be smaller? I also haven't put the strap on the shoulder bell yet, so that may make them fit a bit better.. I can see why the knee thing above is suggested... but they did twist a bit from going up and down stairs..
  25. This thread will be very helpful on finishing and touching up some of the things im not too happy with/feel don't fit well... Thanks a bunch! I'm going to wait and see your suede stuff before I start on that
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