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PFD Recruit
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KDX125 last won the day on May 31 2014

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8 Neutral

About KDX125

  • Birthday 03/30/1974

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  • Interests
    Serving the Empire, smoke-jerked Ewok, and avoiding trees....

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  1. Thanks chef- good on those specs and appreciate the image- that helps with patterning the weathering
  2. Two parts here I'm hoping fellow troopers can help with. 1- can someone tell me where the Lancer specs are for the hold out blaster (if other than just lens discs cut into the scope & No decals representing cross hairs or similar): 2- suggestions on weathering the blaster? Paint colors, areas for dry brush work? Thanks everyone.
  3. Ahhh... Good to know. Huge thanks. Didn't think about vest, cummerbund, etcetera. all holding things in.
  4. Looking at picking up a Wampa Wear flight suit but right between a small and a medium. Anyone have any experience with how they tend to fit? Wanna go Lancer so should I err on the side of slimmer? Thanks for any suggestions...
  5. Perfect, huge thanks. Robbing on the soles (not just stitching) makes more sense now...
  6. Looking at building my first TB kit and purchasing a pair of pre made boots but hoping to keep Lancer status in mind from the start. When the CRL says for level 2, is this then Lancer? Specifically for boots: For level two certification: •The boots have slots cut into the heels as seen on film. •The boot sole is a single color with no visible stitching. Does this mean no stitching along the sole AND the back of the boot (I would assume stitching where the Velcro attaches is normal?) or just the top of the sole where the leather meets the boot? Thanks for any help before I drop credits troops.
  7. Thanks Chef. Skeptical, or maybe just cautious of pulling the trigger and getting a major project delivered...
  8. Any updates from anyone on KS pre built helmets since this was last posted? I'd heard they corrected some things, and I've read a few posts that suggest the is helm is better than the SC, but curious if anyone has seen any improvement as of late?
  9. KDX125


    And another...lol. Me too please. PMing you now 007...
  10. Whoa...good to know Spycee, thanks. So kinda rough huh? I assume those would have been avoided then by just going with the SC...
  11. Chunk you mentioned you placed your KS next to an SC-and they looked about the same-any preferences if there could be only 1? The KS is a bit cheaper than the SC, but I'm likely going with SC armor. Im nervous about the extra cost of the SC helmet (since buying finished) but if its worth it, and maybe a bit slimmer profile (not a huge head, medium, 23") then maybe its worth it.
  12. Has anyone received a KS helmet within the last several months? I see from their most recent price list their finished helmet from KS is a bit less than the finished SC version, but not sure I'll have time to finish them myself or do any major alterations. Wondering if the SC is worth the extra $ or if the KS, being more accurate, and now having a slightly better pull is a smarter move? Think Im going to go the same route and go KS helmet and SC armor...
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