YES!! Finally something I can post about since I've got some experience in the field..
Here's a gallery of work I've done..
My first was a Nerf Firefly.. Really a neat looking weapon..
Did logo removal with a dremel tool and a cutting disc (what I had on hand..).. Used it flat-edge like a sander to eradicate the N-Strike logos..
Then, disassembly, paint (I believe Krylon ultimate, Satin black) and dry-brush with hammertite silver (basically, sprayed it into a plastic bottlecap so it collected, and then used a bristle brush to paint weathering on the blaster)..
Next, I did the Alpha Trooper.. Refined my technique a bit.. Got a bit overzealous on the silver, but.. Whaddyagonnado?
And, the last and most ambitious was the Powerstrike 48.. That's a biiiig weapon and I went nuts with the weathering.. lots of chunks taken out of it, corners ground flat as if it'd been dragged a bit or run into concrete while at high speed.. I gotta get that trigger assembly back in it..
Modding nerf stuff is really easy! I'm a firm believer that if I can do it, anyone can.. I suck at artistic stuff, I don't visualize (at all.. I'm imagination blind, they say), but even I got some decent results with some paint and a few cheap brushes.. Hopefully that link comes through okay.. Not quite sure how to upload the photos to the post directly.. Also in there is a professional shot taken at X-Sanguine 2008, a post-apocalyptic themed event.. I went for the Main Force Patrol (Mad Max, the original movie) updated to the 2050s..