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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by JollyRajR

  1. I used a helmet liner someone recommended somewhere (sorry, can't remember!).. It's the LS2 helmets liner for FF386.. Perhaps it's being phased out by Amazon, since they no longer have the size I purchased (XXL).. Here's a link.. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CBWL9Z0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_dp_T1_FCUDzb11WR4SR I did minimal trimming to make it fit (just hacking off the front "thingy" that must be some sort of latching mechanism for a lacrosse helmet or something.. Anyway, for me this provides the perfect amount of support and breathability.. With the chin strap fastened, my helmet didn't bob around for the 4 or 5 hours I wore it for a wedding and post-wedding dinner.. Attached it with some velcro and it's been good..
  2. Have checked out Thingiverse. I'm going to try printing a DL-44 blaster for fun. It's like 27 small pieces, so good to fine tune my printing without ruining a big print job. Unfortunately the TBits and thermal detonator pieces are neglected. I'm using DVH for the snout and tank topper.
  3. Hi all.. I invested in a 3D printer for the near sole purpose of printing my Scout greeblies.. (and, bonus.. there's a ton of cool stuff out there people have made!).. A Wanhao Duplicator i3+ (masquerading in Microcenter's Powerspec by Wanhao brand..) Anyhow, I've searched through the archives and all links to 3D printed parts come up dead or no longer available. Do we have a source for lancer-quality greeblies? I have a long way to go before my 3D printed stuff actually looks good, but I'd like to use those to fine tune things.. Thanks in advance! Raj
  4. I grabbed them via ebay a few years ago.. when I unearth the packages again I'll post which ones I got.. the gas mask ones are pretty easy to find.. search for gas mask amplifier or surplus voice amplifier.. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  5. YES!! Finally something I can post about since I've got some experience in the field.. Here's a gallery of work I've done.. https://www.flickr.com/gp/57785272@N00/U48jhJ My first was a Nerf Firefly.. Really a neat looking weapon.. Did logo removal with a dremel tool and a cutting disc (what I had on hand..).. Used it flat-edge like a sander to eradicate the N-Strike logos.. Then, disassembly, paint (I believe Krylon ultimate, Satin black) and dry-brush with hammertite silver (basically, sprayed it into a plastic bottlecap so it collected, and then used a bristle brush to paint weathering on the blaster).. Next, I did the Alpha Trooper.. Refined my technique a bit.. Got a bit overzealous on the silver, but.. Whaddyagonnado? And, the last and most ambitious was the Powerstrike 48.. That's a biiiig weapon and I went nuts with the weathering.. lots of chunks taken out of it, corners ground flat as if it'd been dragged a bit or run into concrete while at high speed.. I gotta get that trigger assembly back in it.. Modding nerf stuff is really easy! I'm a firm believer that if I can do it, anyone can.. I suck at artistic stuff, I don't visualize (at all.. I'm imagination blind, they say), but even I got some decent results with some paint and a few cheap brushes.. Hopefully that link comes through okay.. Not quite sure how to upload the photos to the post directly.. Also in there is a professional shot taken at X-Sanguine 2008, a post-apocalyptic themed event.. I went for the Main Force Patrol (Mad Max, the original movie) updated to the 2050s..
  6. That's fantastic.. I'll be hitting up my colleague who has the 3D printer in his classroom.. It never occurred to me to even make costuming bits on that thing.. So rad of you to share the source on the files, too..
  7. I was able to pick up a pair of surplus mine safety voice amplifiers (for use under gas masks and respirators) for less than twenty bucks for the both.. Government surplus and mine safety kind of stuff yields all sorts of interesting options for this, since in real emergency situations being able to talk to someone in a full containment suit is a bonus.. The gas mask variety the plug in can be had for about 20 bucks surplus.. Was considering modifying the snout piece of my helmet to accommodate that.. Nice because it'd be attached, no wires necessary.. It's a one-stop mic/amplifier since it's supposed to be stuck in a sealed gas mask.. And, originally they're like 170 bucks.. Your tax dollars at work
  8. I've been happy with the MLC fiberglass bucket.. I know I'll need to do some work with it, but I feel like it'll be nice and sturdy.. After I do up the padded interior it should be reasonably comfortable, too.
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