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501st Legion (RET)
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shdwtrpr13 last won the day on December 31 2015

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About shdwtrpr13

  • Birthday 12/27/1980

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    Alex T.
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  1. what did you use for a lense and the mascara? that looks amazing
  2. I have a question since we're discussing the Foam used on the Hips. would this be the same Foam used on the chest as well? the Plastezote Foam?
  3. Hmm I'm learning more and more.
  4. Do you have any reference material to share for this? I think this is an interesting Idea and I will be getting my BSP V.2 soon so would like all the information I can before hacking on any helmet or armor.
  5. hmm I'll consider this then and keep on with the original build of having the fans in the back plate of the armor with optioning the fans in the bucket.
  6. The reason I am potential considering Meshing the back vents is that I'd put Fans on the mesh to suck in air and push it into the helmet. a technique I know a few scouts have used with their buckets
  7. First: I noticed theres no helmet section will the Command staff be adding on? I'll be ordering my armor and helmet soon. So heres my thoughts questions and Ideas. Back Vents: -I cant find if there's anything against Opening them to and putting a mesh backing to add Venting. Is it allowed? -I figured that it would be a great place to put the fans if it was allowed. Padding: -I've seeing several types of padding used in these helmets most popular seems to be the Motorcycle helmet liners. Recommendations? Electronics: Sound/voice -I've seen several ways of doing this in the last few months. One way was with that new Mini speaker in the Snout Vent. I'd love to do that but the Helmet of choice I want to go with would make it something I'd have to heavily mod so I can use it. I personally am thinking of using the Bluetooth mic to aker system, Old School/New School TK tech. it would be something I'd tie into a vent system for the back plate. Ok this is I guess where you guys chime in with your 2cents and the Command staff to let me know where I can and can't mod for approval. I look forward to the information I get.
  8. welcome to the VA Area. I'll help you with any thing I can concerning your scout build. Also Feel Free to Join the VA ART unit. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1194695950554441/
  9. alittle late but I custom fit Foam padding into my helmet. Since I larp I tend to have more then enough open and closed cell foams laying around to do this successfully. of course there are others in my garrison who used Motorcycle helmet liners to great effect as well.
  10. And this is why I ask the silly questions. yup High mandarin for me thank you!
  11. As of Right now Garrison Tyranus is starting it's ART. Shadow Trackers. As I am the one pushing this forward for our Garrison I'll be upgrading my current Armor to Lancer Status. I love the Patch Idea and do hope a new Run will be coming along soon. It would be Greate incentive for upcoming scouts to get a PathFinder Patch After their First Official Troop in armor. I'd also hand them an ART Patch that we design as well. Please PM me with information about who would be our observer (a facebook group has been Created), and be for warned I will ask the Observer for FeedBack to help improve our unit.
  12. It's been awhile since I posted something on these boards. But I feel like this should be discussed. Long ago when I started Researching the biker Scout I noticed that there was an Optional Neck Seal, Similar to the TK one. I also noticed it on a few museum Prop Displays I've found over the last few years and if you look close in the New BattleFront Game. Yup they have a ribbed neck seal. Now is this some sort of variant that shopped up in the movie that I never noticed or something they added to the museum piece? I'm not really sure and I'm also unsure if it was ever discussed here. But Hey would love feedback on this. Side Note: I love how the Mandarin collar looks on the scout as is but have used a TK neck seal while at events as Kilted Trooper.
  13. I'm getting my garrison on board. I will be working on the 5 scout minimum for ART. We're currently voting on a name for our team and I'll be applying to work on my lancer status. I know what needs to be changed by heart. As soon as we get a name I'll post up the Group info for a member of command to join and finish our approval.
  14. This seems like something very worth keeping an Eye on since the technology is right there and becoming so readily usable by costuming groups. Looks greate and can't wait to see what your finished looks like.
  15. going to follow this build because I love this variation of the rifle and want to see how you come out with it in a 3D print. I was considering doing this form cratch at the tech shop with their wood layth but this might be better off
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