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About DreadPirateRoberts

  • Birthday 03/21/1994

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  1. Alright, time for probably one of the worst necro posts ever. Nine whole years (almost). Over the last nine years I worked on the scout, I wore it to some cons, I've gone to armor parties, and it's sat in a box for many months to years between all of that. I've decided to really get back into it. My life is finally stable and I expect to stay where I am (Indianapolis) for the foreseeable future. I had soft parts, but they don't fit now (and one broke last time I wore it), so I ordered a full set of new ones from KriptonTop on etsy. In the meantime, I wanted to get the armor right. Overview: Me wearing it: Pics of armor: It's been a while since I've been deep in this, but I've been trying to refamiliarize myself over the last couple of weeks. I'm not going for level 2, I just want to join the 501st after a decade. Here's how I understand what I need, let me know if y'all see it differently. Helmet: I believe this is acceptable. Detail pictures below: Ears are open with black paint behind it: Shoulder Armor: I believe I need elastic around the bottom. Upper Arm Armor: I believe this is good Forearm: I believe this is good as well Gloves: I believe these are good Chest and Back Armor: Here's what bothers me. The side connection, I originally had 2" white synthetic stuff. At the time I believe the CRL read white cotton webbing, so I replaced it with what's in the picture, but it seems... weird. Not a fan. The shoulder bridges: I'm not sure if these are good. I wasn't happy with them last time I messed with them, but they don't seem so bad now? Not sure. Everything else is, I think, good. Side connection: The gap here is because of how I'm mounting the tank. It's only noticeable at the exact angle pretty much. Belt: This has always been a huge issue for me. Part of it is how I had a pretty small overlap. It would fall off a lot when I troop. Doesn't help that I'm a big guy. The drop boxes have also always been a struggle. I've tried a bunch of different ways of securing them and it's always been not great. The back connection especially is horrible. I also know the strap shouldn't be off white. I remember it was a huge pain to find 1.5" white webbing at my local JoAnns so after like 5 trips I just bought off white to figure it out. Thermal det: I don't think this was in the CRL when I built this? "On either end of hose is a black drill-style belt clip used to attach detonator to main belt." Besides that, I think I'm good. Knee Armor, Boots, Holster: Should be good Getting the elastic through the holes here always caused problems: Blaster: Should be good, definitely not Level 2 So that's everything. Let me know what y'all think, if you have any suggestions, anything I should read up on, etc. It's been a long time, and I want to be done with this so I can go on to my next costume which I'll hopefully finish in less than 10 years. I've actually already started (it's a death trooper, just have the helmet so far).
  2. Does it matter specifically what color grey to paint them?
  3. KS is biggest from what I hear, but I've had a real difficult time with it. I'd get SC or other if I had to do it again, but I've never tried one on.
  4. Hmm. I'm not sure I have any Abs laying around, is there another material I can use for that?
  5. Aight. I made a little progress today. When I woke up (at 5pm because I work nights), I had these guys waiting for me. These are the ones that are on eBay that everyone seems to like(SA I think?) Anyway that was pretty cool. Now all I have left to obtain is: The Vest, The Cummerbund, and The Boots. I finally convinced my mom to at least attempt the cummerbund. She refuses to even touch the vest though, so I guess I will have to find someone else. The boots I'm going to try on my own, although that is the last thing I'm going to do (don't want to have too much going on at once I guess.) Anyways my E6000 glue also came. I only have 2 clamps, so I am somewhat limited on how fast I can glue. It sets overnight, correct? Here is me attaching the tank topper I do have one question. How are you supposed to rivet the tank? There is a hole in the topper but it doesn't cover the plastic that's jutting out. Do I put two rivets in? Do I not rivet the tank topper? Also I have 1/8" aluminum rivets. I've had issues with rivets before, is that what most people use?
  6. Yeah, I think she just isn't very confident, which is crazy. She used to sew all our halloween costumes. Be it a lion or a wizard, we always had awesome homemade costumes. I will show her that, thanks! Have any patterns or ideas for the vest? Thats the hardest part for me right now.
  7. Hey thanks for the info! I showed the bund pattern to my mom (my "expert seamstress") and she said the pattern was too little information for her I guess. She is used to patterns and stuff I guess.
  8. Thanks! One of the things I have noticed on this board (unless I am missing something) is that there arent a lot of resources or tutorials for new people. It seems like a lot of people come from a world of many projects like this, and dont really talk about how to do the easy stuff. Like panda troopers build thread, it shows a lot of cool advanced techniques, but after reading it 20 times I still have no idea how to put together this armor
  9. So this is my first legit armor build. Previously I (badly) built a stormtrooper helmet with a lot of help, and I modified a set of armor I received. This will be my first time actually building a real set of full armor. I'm very scared to cut something and mess it up really bad. I'm on the left. Anyway. On to the Armor. I spent months researching what pieces would be best for me. I've ordered everything except the Vest, cummerbund and boots. I think I will try to build the boots on my own. I was going to try to sew the cummerbund and vest, but after talking to some more experienced seamstresses, I might end up buying them. They told me if they were going to help me they need a very specific pattern, which I haven't been able to find. So I still need some help with that if anyone has any pointers. I decided to buy SC armor and a KS helmet. I was so excited when it came, and surprised at how small it was (my last set of Armor was a HAVOC trooper, which was giant) I don't have the E6000 glue right now (ordered some from amazon, 10 for about $8 shipped, best deal I could find) so there are a few things I can't do. I have most the other tools I need except a dremel. So after a few hours of unwrapping and washing and figuring out what is what, I finished this Which honestly I am pretty dang proud of. I'm generally not the most handy guy (I'm a lot better with computers than tools), and getting these on (mostly) straight was pretty awesome for me. I used the painters tape trick for the rank stripes. I then put velcro on everywhere the instructions told me to. My problem right now is that the straps that are supposed to go certain places don't fit. Am I supposed to cut the holes bigger? I don't have a dremel, but I guess I would need one for this. These are the straps that came with the kit, and they all have this problem. I guess I could go out and get thinner straps all around. More to come as I do more. Tomorrow I will probably break out the sewing machine for the elastic and such.
  10. I know one already exists, but there are a lot of jokes which I personally don't like. I'm decent at sound editing and actually have a few radios laying around (which would help) If you want to make a new one, I can help!
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