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PFD Recruit
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About Jaggered

  • Birthday 07/30/1971

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  • Location
    Queensland, Australia

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Redback Garrison Qld
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Just another few questions I forgot to ask yesterday, sorry. Ref the belt, it's 50mm, 2" if I read the CRL correctly? Apart from being white cotton what are the shoulder bridge strap dimensions, width? jAG
  2. Awesome, thanks for the quick response & conformation Andy & Andy! I'll head down the shops this morning to pick up the items jAG
  3. Hi all. I've just started my TB build & have decided to try to achieve lancer standard with the build & of course follow the procedures prior to lancer. I'm a little confused, there seems to be two CRL for lancer, one on the 501st boards, visual & then the, "Lancer Standards CRL 2015" here on this site. Where possible I'm working on these standards here on this site. Just so you know my laptop is busted & can't afford to have it fixed anytime soon so I'm using my iPhone 5 to view online & so I can miss things I'm trying to find, small screen etc. I don't mind admitting rather than fixing the laptop I'd rather spend it on my costume endeavours I've just a few questions at the moment & just would like confirmation but I see in the "Lancer Standard CRL" the drop box straps are to be 40mm in width so this would also mean 40mm black clips front & rear? I ask as this seems to be a large width. What's the width for basic TB?
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