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About Mr.Mike

  • Birthday 09/03/1975

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    I like stuff, and pie... pie is good

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  1. Following! I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on an SC armor/helmet combo as well (5'9" 165 lbs with bit of a beer gut) Thank you for the detail in your build. Would mind forwarding or posting the email you got from SC regarding their advice, I too can use all the help I can get.
  2. What isn't on my mind

  3. I got a sizable piece off flea-bay for 20 bucks. It will be plenty for the riding patches and fart flap.
  4. Kind of digging up an old thread but I just my hero blaster in the mail today, this thing is amazing! His molds are spot on. The detail is incredible and fit and finish is top notch.
  5. Making good headway Ryan! nice to see a fellow Mainer!
  6. YES! This is wonderful!
  7. I thought it was kind of clunky too. I don't remember what number size I ordered, I think I used his method and it worked out. That said, I wear a LARGE Mechanix brand glove comfortably and have an EXTRA LARGE Wampa glove. Its ever so slightly snug around the base of my fingers but it seems to be breaking in fine (I have been taking them on motorcycle rides). I don't know if you have Mechanix brand work gloves in the Netherlands but I would imagine you do. Hope that helps.
  8. I just ordered an Under armor heatgear balaclava. Wicks sweat and helps keep you cool. I wear one motorcycling and it's nice. The ColdGear stuff is way to hot for summer time
  9. I have no idea. The thing with the texas steer or any other work boot of that type is its a proven design and there are good tutorials using them, they are also inexpensive. The Paladiums being waterproof (Sneaker-inspired ankle boot with waterproof protection and plush wool lining) I think would be quite hot, they are also expensive. I was thinking of getting them for work to try them out first this fall. If they can survive swamps, stone walls, barbed wire and deep forests with comfort then they could survive a troop I have yet to pull the trigger on shoes. I really want to find something light weight and breathable with the right color sole, it's a unicorn I know.
  10. I can't speak for trooping as I don't have my scout finished yet but I do wear boots everyday, all day for work. You are going to be hard pressed to find a work boot that wears like a sneaker. Insoles make a difference but at the end of the day its still a boot, one covered in non-breathable vinyl at that I have been looking at some canvas boots for my build but am still up in the air over it. Here is a link to that thread if you want to check it out. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=18326&st=0&p=164792entry164792
  11. Nice, looking forward to watching your progress
  12. I agree with Chef. I have one of the new style singer classics that I picked up 100 bucks. It works but it's not nearly as good as mom's old machine. I have yet to sew suede with it, it should be an adventure. A sewing machine is an appliance every grownup should own and know how to use, at least basically imho.
  13. would they pass lancer though with some exacto work or would they need to be painted? Man I'm so torn haha
  14. I like the HM shoes too, a lot actually. It has a nice recess for the finishing bit vinyl or leather wrap. The color bothers me a lot but I suppose it could be painted, it just bugs me to no end having paint on something so flexible, I know how it will go down in the end haha
  15. Thanks man! I found some with the yellow gum sole, they are waterproof though (hot). We'll see where this rabbit hole takes me https://www.amazon.c...oots&th=1&psc=1
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