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Everything posted by gluejunky

  1. any updates?
  2. any updates on the boots??
  3. and for those of you looking for the actual boots, all i can say is hit 'good will' and '' thrift stores'', maybe even give reward flyers out to them, i was thinking of something like $50 to who finds these boots...do some networking with these places. i did it on my own steam, 2-3 days a week, and in less than a year i found two pairs...there has to more out there, i wonder how many the thrift stores think are old and garbage and throw away???? isnt THAT sad to think about ??
  4. im so glad to see these get into some good hands, I realy wish I could have got this done, I just dont have the time, and when i posted it here many years ago i got very little interest, so my drive to do it was realy there. it sounds like more people have interest in getting copies, i still have a pair of the tan sierra sneakers and , ahem, if im first to get a a piar (wink wink ) i would be happy to do a side by side comparison and a review of them for you guys. but ya now....I'm just sayin finally i contributed to this hobby..in a small way i guess
  5. actually those camo boots are mine. i found then at a thrift store back in mid 05 i think it was....and i still got em. there on the rpf for sale right now plus i still have the off white pair i found a week before i found the cammo's and about a week after the guy in itally bought his off ebay.....it' was a good couple weeks the camo boots are perfect for some one to make molds off of and cast soles, there new and never worn. some one with good skills and a milling machine can make larger sizes, these are 9 1/2 by us sizes. here is the link to the forum http://www.thereplicapropforum.com/f13/original-sierra-sneekers-never-worn-base-biker-144209/
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